It sounds like you are embarking on an exciting journey to Yangshuo to learn English! It's great that you are taking the time to travel and experience new things. Learning a new language can be challenging, but also rewarding. It's important to have interests outside of work and continue to explore the world around us. I wish you the best of luck on your adventure in Yangshuo!
One day,a girl meets a modern boy on the street.She has a strong feeling that it seems the boy looks like a familiar person very much.And then the girl immediately realized the boy has reflection of his ex-boyfriend.You must think a beautiful love story will impend.Yes,no doubt they feel in love.But after a time,she gradually realized he is just similar with his ex-boyfriend in some ways.So she decides to end this relationship eventually.Obviously,the boy feel traumatized.In the aftermath of bre
Poor listening english,besides,lacking of the amount of vocabulary cause i can't understand teacher's lessones sometimes.So i was considering whether i need to move down to level 2A or Level 2B last week or not.Yesterday,two classmates were moved up to level 4 and two classmates finished lessons and left the school.So four persons,including me left level 3.Finally i decide to stay here.
By the way,the new experience that you try to speak slowly when you're not good at it.If you quicky speak,
just mainly improve oral and listening english.
Free?You wish! Of course not.
But there are many foreigners in YangShuo.Some people don't specially go to school to learn.Just stay here for a time.
I quit my job? Kind of.
My mother is a tradtional chinese woman,kind and hard working,but is also different from some chinese wowen.Her biggest interest is how to get more and more money.It's not a joke.I he two older sisters and two younger brothers.So you can imagine it's not easy to bring up five chilren for my partens.When i was a child,my parents ran a small factory to make living.She had to be strong,even like a man and tried her best to do the business well.But
今天是正式上课的第一天,充满期待,2天的新鲜感今天终于可以得到释放,也下定决心一定要丢掉汉语Speak English all the time,everywhere and to everybody.第一节课后,立即发现我到是没有说汉语,只是一节课下来,英语也几乎没怎么说,一些不懂,懂的也不知如何表达,只是听到meredith一直在那在叽里呱啦地,其次是其他同学的交流,都没人说汉语,我自然不会说了,英语想说也说不出来。maybe是因为Level 3的同学一步步升上来,在这也呆了一段时间,大都可以正常交流,也不在乎再去练习简单的对话,下课后,他们居然说中文,立即让我松了口气。
已经N多年不参加考试了,紧张的情绪再度升起,仿佛回到了那糟糕的学生时代。上午的笔试感觉不是很满意,如果我还是个学生,我想我会的更好,但我不是。下午拿到答题卡的时候,的确如我所料,不是很糟但也不很好,Jake说it's ok,not bad 我更多的是需要confidence,和Jake聊了一阵后,被他确定分到Level3,让我有些诧异,我记得我连续说了2遍 i can't believe this,are you sure?同时,Jake指出我的听力需要加强,的确,加强听力是此行目的之一.
一些流程后,principal made a speech。很简段的话语,包括学校的校训,建议之类(摘选),共勉!
1.Be clearly aware why you learn english.
2.know how to improve english efficiently.
3.determination,confidence,persistence and action.
4.use it.
3th Aug
早上7点到达阳朔,最大的印象是空气清晰,以及无论你走在哪,前方总是会有一座山引入眼帘。一个双肩包,一个拖箱,一条长长的路,蜿蜒与未知的前方,这场景在无数欧美电影里出现过,只是如今我成了主角。很感谢JoJo这么早来接我,后来得知昨天她在西街的酒吧里玩到3点才回家,怪不得深深的眼袋挂在白皙的脸上。报名,填表,安排宿舍,室友 shelly 是一个在L1D(class)的女孩,看上去很友善。下午我们一起去了传说中的阳朔西街,因为有西塘的印象在前,所以对西街没有太大的惊喜,不过老外的确不少,据说晚上酒吧里随处可见老外的身影,这也是这里的学员为什么晚上会去酒吧玩到很晚的原因。逛累了,便在漓江边坐了会,吹吹风,很舒服。