
最近搞定了一个印度客户,是真的开心呀,不容易呀老铁们 废话文学 : 最初做业务的时候,每到周五或周六都会给重点客户发Have a nice weekend 之类的 你以为没用,尝试 给20个 客户说,发一个月,你发现废话文学真香 共情客户 很多客户第一次进口有担心,就会问东问西变得事逼,我们不要嫌弃客户,要很nice地跟他说This is your first time to import from China, I totally understand your worry , 此话一出,客户觉得你理解他,立刻增加信任 自信 不要客户一说你的价格高就开始战战兢兢,姐妹们,自信起来。 你要相信我们的产品就是比别人好,我给的最终价格一定是最好的合理的价格 跟我们合作与你与我都是开心的事情,是双赢,不是只有我作为销售赢得了一个订单,作为客户你也是找到了一个好的供应商 灌输个人情感表达 客户真的难搞,所以有时候我们也要晓之以情动之以理 For us, we are never looking for one time cooperation, we are always looking for long terms cooperation. There is one thing I am very happy : I have many customers who has 0 experience in the printer when they buy the first set printer from us, however, they can buy second , third set very soon. I am always happy to help customer grow up together, this is an honor beside the sales. I wish I can help you in the same way too 祝每个做外贸的你都可以每个月爆单爆单爆
2024-10-30 465阅读