刚到公司,一看环境不错,是家新公司,只有空壳,几台液晶电脑,公室和样品间什么的都弄得很好,很气派,至于机器,包括网站,样本,样品,平台,公用的文件夹,计算机什么的通通没有。接着就像考试似的给了我们一封英文邮件,要把它翻译出来。我只看懂了几句,下面的都是专业产品名称,根本不懂,随便乱写一气就交了,我记得当时那个带我们回来的老板看着我的卷子还说了一句:写了些什么都不知道??我那个脸是刷地一下红了 加上里面空调温度好高。当时一定好糗
我以为不会用我,没想到,来了个期,1000一月,而且是业务。既然离家很近,上班方便,期工资也比我原来那里高,还可以让自己试着业务。老板都挺随和(一共四个老板 )就先试试好了,大不了到时候混不下去了再去单证。
上班第一天,老总(最大的股东)给了我一份单子,说是要报价的,让我把产品名称翻译出来,我当时那个郁闷啊,我连公司什么产品的都不知道:L (很傻吧,找工作都不问什么产品 ),更何况那些专业名称。迅速装了个金山词霸,硬着头皮看,还是不懂,那些字面理解根本都不能用的。幸好老板周到,给了我一本别人公司的样本,让我对照着翻,琢磨了两天才马马虎虎地完工。
Dear Ginette,
We revise your prices, they are very high regarding our purchase prices. We buy directly to the factories; please to revise and to present us your best prices. For your reference attchment TARGET PRICES. Please make your best effort in prices; we he more than 25 years of experience in the commercialization of these products in our market. We hope to strengthen the commercial knots with you, we will increase our orders gradually.
Dear XXX,
Thanks for your kindly reply.
From your target price,I found that you are sincere desire to do business with us,I he calculate carfully,and the best price please check the attachment.
Because the first offer is already our firm offer,so any part we can meet your target price, we he accept it,but others is already the best price,hope you can understand this best price really lee us thin profit. I think there is no supplier can offer the same price as ours on the basis of same quality.
Thanks & your early reply will be highly appreciate.
Best regards!
Dear Ginette,
We accept your "bets prices", in the ferrule 型号 accept the initial price given in the rate "quote adapters", we understand that the other prices that you increased such as 型号 and 型号 it corresponds to correction of your initial error. We trust that our commercial relationships are strong and durable.
For finally to close our business, please to consider:
1. We need to be your distributors and exclusive representatives for our market.
2. Guarantee us the same prices, minimum until the following order.
3. Apply to the products of our order mark "MAXTER", according to instruction attchment.
4. Please to make to print our test mark and to send for e-mail.
5. Our payment is T/T and L/C.
Please to send bill of your bank to make advance and other data to emit the L/C.
Please you to inform me dates of delivery.
Attachment files
Bets regards,
Dear XXX,
Thanks for your cooperation and hope we can develop business quickly each other.
1.About the exclusive agent,i he draw up an contract,please see the attachment,if no problem,please fill in your detailed information and signature it,also need your company's stamp. then refax to me.
2.The price in your proforma invoice,any part you were copy wrong,I he change it,please also