LH: 嗨, Larry,我在这里!
LL: Hi, Li Hua, how are you? Thank you for coming to pick me up.
LH: 没事!Florida怎么样? 玩得好吗?
LL: Oh man, I had a blast! My friends in Miami took a few days off, just to hang out with me. We did nothing but hang out on the beach and go partying every night!
LH: 哟,你那个在Miami的朋友还请了几天假陪你玩呀!那你肯定玩得很痛快。嗨,Larry, 你刚才说 I had a...什么来啦?
LL: I said I had a blast. "To he a blast" means to he a great time. If something was a blast, that means it was a lot of fun.
LH: Blast 不是“炸”的意思吗?怎么 "to he a blast" 又成了玩得特别高兴!哎哟,学英文真不容易! 得了, Larry, 你玩得痛快,我可是花了整整一个星期帮Jones教授来准备下学期的课呢!
LL: Yeah, well, I tried to get you to come along. You would've had a blast too.
LH: 对,你是请我一起去了,但是我不能去。我得工作,要不然下学期学费哪儿来呢?不过,昨天Rick过生日,我晚上去他的party 了...
LL: Well, too bad I didn't come back a day sooner... his parties are always a blast.
LH: 对,每次Rick party,大家总是玩得很痛快。昨天晚上我早上三点才回家。我走的时候还有好多人在那儿呢!大家都玩疯了!
LL: Sounds like you had a blast. What about you? Li Hua, your birthday's today. Are you going to celebrate?
LH: 嗯,生日也不是什么大事嘛。我在中国的时候从来不过生日的。
LL: Aww, whatever. I think everyone should he a blast on their birthday!
LH: 唉,时间过得真快,我都已经25岁了,四分之一个世纪呐!可我还在这儿念书,还没有一个正式的工作...
LL: What? Lighten up, Li Hua! You're in your mid-twenties! You he plenty of time to decide what you want to do!
LH: 什么?你叫我lighten up? 你是说我要减轻体重?你在胡说什么吗?
LL: Hey! I'm not talking about weight here. To lighten up means to relax, to be less serious.
LH: 噢,lighten up就是要放松,不要太认真的意思!哎哟,不行,我可不能lighten up,我得考虑我的前途呐,我毕业以后干什么 - 是要回国还是呆在这儿...
LL: Like I said, Li Hua, you seriously need to lighten up. Stress makes people gain weight.
LH: 行,行,行,我想法放松。嗨,Larry,你好象是很轻松,没什么压力,那你肚子怎么会这么大呢?
LL: Watch it, Li Hua! I'm tired of you making fun of me. You know I've been working hard to lose weight recently...
LH: "Lighten up, Larry!" 别跟我生气,我只是玩笑嘛!我只不过是想举个例子。我这么说lighten up,对不对?
LL: Yeah, you're right. But don't you mention my belly again!
LH: 好了,好了,你家到了! Larry,我今天不想出去玩了,咱们明天再见吧!
LL: Wait, Li Hua, can you help me with this bag?
LH: 那么两个小包你都拿不动呀? 得了得了,我帮你拿这个包吧!
(Sound of many people yelling "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!")
LH: 哎哟,我的天哪!你们给我举行生日party都没让我知道!啊呀,你们真是太好了!怪不得Larry你非要我帮他拿包进来呢!
LL: Looks like you've lightened up already. See? I told you you'd he a blast tonight!
LH: 那么多人给我过生日,我当然很高兴呀!谢谢,谢谢。Thank you so much!
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语。一个是to he a blast, 意思是“玩得很痛快”。李华学到的另一个常用语是lighten up。这是指“放松,别太认真”。
LH: Larry, 我已经好久都没有为我的论文研究了。我想今天不去上Wilkins教授的课而去图书馆。
LL: I dunno, Li Hua. You'll really be pushing your luck if you miss class again.
LH: Pushing-my-luck? Pushing是推的意思,luck是运气,我不懂耶!pushing my luck是什么意思。
LL: I said you will be pushing your luck. "To push your luck" means to take a chance when you've already done something risky.
LH: 噢,pushing-your-luck就是已经了冒风险的事,可是啊!还想再进一步碰碰运气,是这个意思吗?
LL: That's right. The first two times, the professor didn't give you any trouble. But every time you mi
LL: Hey, Li Hua, what's wrong? You're acting a little out of whack.
LH: 我什么事也没有啊!你说我怎么了 - acting a little out of whack? 那是什么意思啊?
LL: Out of Whack - means to be different from usual or abnormal. You're acting different from usual, so you seem a little out of whack.
LH: 噢,原来out of whack意思就是“和平时不太一样”。你觉得我有点儿反常啊?你还真说对了,我明天晚上有个约会,是我第一次要和这个人见面。心里有点儿紧张,我连穿什么衣服都还没想好呢!
LL: You he a date and you didn't tell me? That's out of whack! But, at least now I understand why you're acting out of whack. Fi
LH: Hello?
LL: Hi, Li Hua. This is Larry. I'm going to the grocery store and I was wondering if you needed anything.
LH: Larry! 你要去商店东西呀?我正好牛奶喝光了,你可不可以帮我点牛奶呢?回头我再给你钱。
LL: Sure, no problem. I can hook you up with some milk.
LH: Hook me up with some milk? 哎,我知道hook是“钩子”的意思。那hook up就是把东西用钩子钩住, 你想把我和牛奶钩在一起?噢,我猜就是给我带牛奶的意思,对不对?
LL: Yes, you're right. To hook somebody up with something means to get something for him. I meant that I will get the milk for you.
LH: Larry, 谢谢你让我用你的电脑。我的电脑最近老出毛病,真气人!
LL: Heheh, don't mention it. You know, you ought to get a new computer to replace that old clunker of yours.
LH: 你说我应该一台新电脑来取代什么?Clunker? 我在说我的电脑啊,怎么是"clunker"呢?
LL: No, no... when I said it is a "clunker" - I meant that it's an old, worn-out machine.
LH: 噢,原来clunker是指“又老又旧的机器”,用这个词来形容我那台电脑再合适不过了。那Larry, "clunker" 这个词只能够用来形容电脑吗?
LL: Not at all... a clunker can be any kind of worn-out machine that doesn't work very well. "Clunk" is the sound that an
LL: Li Hua, it's Saturday, I want to sleep in for once. What's so important that you he to wake me up?
LH: 哎哟,你不是说今天早上一起去跑步吗?还问我什么事情那么重要,把你叫醒了,你真健忘。嗨,你说你想 "sleep in" 那是什么意思呀?
LL: Ok, now pay attention. "Sleep in" is ery, very important term to me. "Sleep in" means to sleep later than usual.
LH: 噢,sleep in 意思就是“比平时起得晚”,那不就是“睡懒觉”吗?你真懒,怪不得sleep in这个短语对你来说 "very, very important".
LL: Hey, sleeping in once in a while does not make a person laz
LL: Hey, Li Hua. One of your classmates asked me to give you this envelope.
LH: 我的同学要你给我这个信封?哪个同学呀?
LL: Oh, it was... what's-her-face, you know, the tall girl with red hair.
LH: 高个子、红头发的女孩儿?你还说什么- What's her face? 哎,Face不是“脸”吗?
LL: I said "what's-her-face" instead of her name because I couldn't remember her name. I guess it means I can remember her face, but not her name.
LH: 噢,你不记得她的名字,但是你记得她的脸长的是什么样子,所以你说what's her face, 也就相当于what's her name 。Hm,Larry, 你这么说是不是不太礼貌呢?
Li Hua: Hey Larry, 你知不知道纽约附近哪个地方可以钓鱼呀?
Larry: Fishing, huh? I'm sorry Li Hua, I don't know jack about fishing.
Li Hua: 哎,我问你钓鱼的事,你怎么说你不认识Jack?
Larry: I'm not talking about a guy named Jack. When I say "I don't know jack about fishing", that means "I don't know anything about fishing".
Li Hua: 噢,原来jack在这里不是人的名字,你说 I don't know jack about fishing 意思就是“你对钓鱼一无所知”。这么说,jack在这里就表示 "nothing", right?
Larry: That's right.
Li Hua: I don't know jack about fishing, 那不就成了I don't know nothing about f
LH: 哎哟,这一趟过山车坐得我晕头转向的,直想吐!真是活受罪!
LL: You are sick and dizzy? What are you talking about? That rollercoaster rocks! I'm going to ride it again!
LH: 什么,Larry, 你还想再去坐啊?你还说那个过山车rocks. Rock 当作动词不是“摇摇晃晃”的意思吗?
LL: No, no, I didn't say that it rocked back and forth. "To rock" means "to be great". If something or some experience is really fun or exciting, we say "It rocks!"
LH: 噢,原来在这里,rock不是前后摇晃的意思,而是要是有什么事情有意思、够刺激,我们就说It rocks! 哎,那不就相当于中文里说的“棒极了”的意思吗?
LL: That's right, Li Hua. I'm sure you've h