在商言商 英口 airport


◆ A Taiwan businessman meets an American buyer at the airport.
◆ Mr. Li   : You must be Ms. Rogers from Chicago?
◆ Ms. Rogers : And you must be Mr. Li. Thank you for meeting me.
◆ Mr. Li   : It's my pleasure. Welcome to Taipei.
◆ Ms. Rogers : It's good to be here.
◆ Mr. Li   : How was your flight?
◆ Ms. Rogers : Long, but quite comfortable. China Airlines treats its passengers well.
◆ Mr. Li   : Did you have any trouble clearing customs?
◆ Ms. Rogers : Oh no. They were quite quick and efficient.
◆ Mr. Li   : I've got a company car waiting. Would you like to go to your hotel to rest and freshen up? Then perhaps later on this afternoon we could start our business discussions.
◆ Ms. Rogers : That sounds fine. How long will it take from the airport to the hotel?
◆ Mr. Li   : About an hour, depending on traffic.
◆ Ms. Rogers : Will I be meeting any other members of your company?
◆ Mr. Li   : Perhaps you'd like to continue our discussions over dinner tonight. That would give some of our other staff members a chance to meet you.
◆ Ms. Rogers : That sounds like a wonderful idea.

◆ A Taiwanese businessman sees an American businesswoman off at the airport.
◆ Ms. Bronson: I checked at the ticket counter, and they say the plane will be on schedule.
◆ Mr. Yi   : Good. I hope you have a safe and comfortable trip.
◆ Ms. Bronson: Thank you. It's been a pleasure doing business with you and your company.
◆ Mr. Yi   : I hope we'll continue working together in the future.
◆ Ms. Bronson: I'm sure we will. I appreciate everything you've done personally to make my stay a pleasant one.
◆ Mr. Yi   : I've enjoyed your visit.
◆ Ms. Bronson: Thank you again and goodbye.
2015-08-11 455阅读
Q: 这段英语口语对外贸从业者有什么帮助?

A: 这段英语口语对外贸从业者有很大的帮助。首先,这个场景是出现在机场,因此对于外贸从业者来说,学会一些常用的机场英语会有帮助。其次,这个场景涉及了商务会议的安排以及商务晚宴等议程的安排。了解这些常用的商务交流方式和相关的表达方式对外贸从业者会有很大的帮助。此外,这个场景中的两个人都是不同国家的人,因此这些常用口语还可以帮助外贸从业者跨国交流和沟通。