1.With reference to our telephone conversation today…


2. As we discussed on the phone...


3. In my previous e-mail on October 5


4. As I mentioned earlier about...


5. As indicated in my previous e-mail...


6. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the...


7. from our decision at the previous meeting…


8. As you requested/per your requirement...


9. In reply to your e-mail dated April l, we decided...


10. As a follow-up to our phone conversation yesterday, I wanted to getback to you about the pending issues of our agreement.


11. I received your voice message regarding the subject. I'm wondering ifyou can elaborate i.e. provide more details.


12. I received your message regarding the subject. I'm wondering if you can elaborate i.e. provide more details.



13. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you...


14. Please be advised/informed that…


15. Please note that…


16. We would like to inform you that…


17. I am delighted to tell you that…


18. We are pleased to learnthat…


19. We wish to notify you that…


20. We are sorry to inform you that…


21. I’m afraid I have some bad news.


22. Due to circumstances beyond our control...


23. With effect from 4 May, 2018...


24. I am fine with the proposal.


25. It would be difficult for us to accept...


26. I hope you see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost.


适合做“call to action”的结尾语句

27. Please give us your preliminary thoughts about this.


28. Please advise if you agree with this approach.


29. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply by next Monday.


30. Hope this is OK with you. If not, let me know by e-mail ASAP.


31. May I have your reply by April 1, if possible?



32. I would like to apologize for…


33. I apologize for the delay in...


34. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.


35. I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.


36. I’m really sorry about this.


37. We apologize for the delay and hope that it doesn’t inconvenience you too much


38. Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble.


39. Kindly excuse our not replying to your favour of the 8th May unitl today.


40. I do hope this undesirable incident will not stand in the way of our future business.



41. We would be grateful if you could...


42. I could appreciate it if you could...


43. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.


44. If there's anything else I can do for you on/regarding this matter.Please feel free to contact me at any time.


45. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me


46. Please feel free to call me at any time, I will continually providefull support


47. Please let me know if this is suitable.


48. Hope this is clear and we are happy to discuss this further if necessary.


49. Please keep me informed on the matter.


50. Any comments will be much appreciated.


51. Once again, thank you all for your commitment and support.


52. We assure you of our best services at all times.


53. If there is anything we can do to help you, we shall be more than pleased to do so.


54. We sincerely hope that this transaction will turn out to the satisfaction of both parties.



55. They are not only as low-priced as other makers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects .


56. You will get a 30% increasing production upon using this machine and also it allows one people to perform the task of three people.


57. This machine will pay back your investment in 6 month.


58. These machines have few breakdowns and easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure.


59. This material has a durable and easy-to-clean surface.


60. As our products have all the feature you need and 20% cheaper compared with that Japanese made ,I strongly recommended to you.


61. We feel that our product is the best kind in Asia and we can very well compete against Japan in price.


62. Our products are always good as the samples we send ,I can promise there will be not debasement of quality.




广交会 Canton Fair

展览品 exhibit

展出各种商品 a great variety of goods on display

展出的摊位 exhibits stand

橱窗展览 window show

展期20 to extend for 20 days


来料加工processing with supplied materials

进料加工 processing with imported materials

来样加工 processing with supplied sample

来件装配 assembling with supplied parts


哥本哈根 Copenhagen

热那亚 Genoa

马赛 Marseilles

安特卫普 Antwerp

汉堡 Hamburg

会议纪要 meeting minutes

中国国际贸易促进委员会 CCPIT

仲裁委员会 Arbitration Commission

董事会 board of directors

主持会议 to preside over a meeting


经济萧条 economic slackness

市场情况恶化 the market take a change for the worse

市场活跃 market active

市场呆滞market dull

市价下跌 market declining

行市坚挺 market firm

行市疲软 market easy

市况平稳 market stable

市况坚挺 market strong

市况不明 market uncertain

市场疲软 market weak

控制市场 to control the market

市场下跌(熊市) with the market being bear

地中海市场 the Mediterranean market

投放市场 put onto the market

市场坚挺且有上升趋势 firm market with an upward tendency

立足市场 find a footing in the market


采取新的外贸政策 take up/adopt new foreign trade policy

遵守通行的国际惯例 follow/observe the general international practices

根据平等互利的原则 on the basis of equality and mutual benefits

灵活的政策 flexible policy

和某人达成协议 come to terms with somebody

询问有关条款 inquire about terms

使某人接受条款 bring somebody to terms

执行开放政策 pursue an open-door policy

一贯坚持平等互利的原则 always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefits

违背常见商务惯例go against the usual commercial practice


执行合同 execute/carry out/fulfill a contract

使合同生效 bring a contract into effect

违背/撤销和约 break/cancel a contract

重合同守诺言 honor the contract and keep one’s words

再订一个合同 repeat the contract

顺利执行合同 to carry out the contract smoothly

取消合同 to cancel the contract

合同号 contract number

信用证条款与合同条款严格一致 the stipulations in the L/C are in strict conformity with that of the contract

销售合同 sales contract

合同中写明的 specified in the contract


畅销 sell fast

享有很高声誉 enjoy a high reputation

拥有良好销路 command a good market/ find a ready market/enjoy fast sales

货物受欢迎 the goods are very popular with customers / have met with a warm reception /be well received/accepted/ enjoy a wide popularity among the buyers

重合同守信用 honor/observe/respect/abide by/keep to/stick to the contract and keep/fulfill/ carry out one's promise; stand by what one says

公平竞争fair play

商业信誉 commercial integrity

高度评价 speak highly of

通情达理 listen to reason

供不应求 demand exceeds supply

供过于求 supply exceeds demand

服务第一 service is the first motto

不能与……匹敌 can not be comparable with/cannot compete with

高科技 high-tech

这笔买卖真是赚了/赔了 It's quite a bargain.

物超所值 give much value of the money


…...要求赔偿 to approach …. For compensation

提出索赔 to lodge/make/raise/issue/file/register/put in/ bring up a claim

就货进行索赔 claim on goods

就损坏索赔 claim for damage

就数量索赔 claim for amount

向某人索赔 claim with/against somebody

接受索赔 to accept a claim

受理索赔 to entertain a claim

同意索赔 to admit a claim

驳回索赔 to dismiss a claim

拒绝索赔 to reject/decline/turn down a claim

解决索赔 to settle a claim

放弃索赔 to waive a claim

撤回索赔 to withdraw a claim

接受索赔 to entertain a claim

理赔方面公平合理 be prompt and equitable in settling claims

提出索赔 to lodge a claim


营销 market

脱销 be out of stock

畅销品 best selling articles

玻璃器皿销路很畅/销路不大/经常有销路 Glass wares are in great/small/regular demand.

值得推销 be worth promoting

推销 to push the sale of

薄利多销 small profits make quick sales

促销 promote the sales

销售季节 shopping season

销售条款 sales terms

销售额 sales turnover

销售代表 sales representative

销售代理人 sales agent/selling agent

采购代理人 purchasing agent/buying agent

独家代理人 exclusive agent/sole agent

佣金代理人 commission agent

广告代理人 advertising agent

代理协议 agency agreement

代理协议 agency agreement

独家代理 sole agency

代理的商号 agent house

佣金代理商 commission agent


开信用证 open an L/C

信用证L/C (Letter of Credit)

保兑的不可撤销的信用证 confirmed irrevocable L/C

用即期信用证付款payment by L/C available against draft at sight

远期信用证 time L/C

签发信用证 to issue an L/C

开信用证 to open an L/C

信用证少开了5000美元 the credit is short-established to the amount of $ 5000

修改信用证 to amend L/C

额外保险 extra premium

平安险 Free from Particular Average

水渍险 With Particular Average

一切险 All Risks

油渍险 risk of Oil

破碎险 risk of Breakage

渗漏险 risk of Leakage

玷污险 risk of Contamination

罢工暴动、民变险 risk of Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion

淡水、雨淋险 risk of Fresh Water Damage


永久牌训练用自行车 Forever Brand Exercise Bicycle

金狮牌折椅 Golden Lion folded chairs

印花棉布 printed cotton pieces

工艺美术品 arts and crafts

蝴蝶牌缝纫机 Butterfly sewing machine

红茶 black tea

机床 machine tools

羊毛 wool

丝绸服装 silk garments

皮革服装 leather garments

玻璃制品 glassware

必需品 essential articles

及时交货 timely delivery

着手发运货物 set about making delivery

在手的过期未交货订单 back orders

期货 future

增加货物被盗或损坏的风险 add to the risks of pilferage and damage

急需这批货 be in urgent need of the goods

偷窃、提货不着险 risk of Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (TPND)

货物发霉不能食用 the contents are moldy and unfit for consumption

迅速发货 immediate/rush dispatch of the goods

凭样交货 shipment per sample

备货 to get the goods ready

与厂商联系要求追加订货 approach the manufacturers for an additional order

畅销货 best sellers

从总货金中提取佣金 deduce from the value of the consignment

接受定货 accept/book/enter an order

订货 place an order

续订 repeat an order

撤销订单 cancel the order

拒绝接受订单 refuse/decline/turn down an order

日本款式的货 goods of Japanese make

供现货 supply from stock

增加供货300箱茶叶 increase the tea supply by 300 cases

无货可供 no goods available

发货 make the delivery

传真所盘 fax somebody for offers

还盘 to make an counteroffer./counter bid

实盘 firm offer

报盘有效期为15 the offer will remain firm/valid/good/ for 15 days

报盘两天内有效 the offer holds/remains good/firm/effective/valid for two days

撤盘 to withdraw the offer

(订单)任务繁重 heavy commitments

厂商订单很多 the manufacturers are heavily committed

试订 to place a trial order

订购一空 be booked out


即期装运 prompt shipment

装船耽搁 delay in shipment

野蛮装卸 rough handling

安排装船 arrange shipment

加速装船 expedite shipment

延期装船 extend shipment

提前装船 advance shipment

延迟装船 postpone shipment

货物吊上船 the goods on the hook

直达轮 direct steamer

租船 to charter a ship

装船通知 shipping advice

装船须知 shipping instruction

装船延期 to postpone the shipment

允许分批装运和转船 partial shipment and transshipment allowed

装船单据 shipping documents

按时装船 punctual shipment

整批装运 ship the whole lot at one time

提前装运 to advance shipment

确保准时装运 to ensure punctual shipment

装运港 loading port

转运 transshipment

加快装运 to expedite shipment

包装不当 improper packing

聚乙烯包装物 polythene wrapper

包装指示 packing instructions

出口包装 export packing

内包装 inner packing

外包装 outer packing

中性包装 neutral packing

适合海运的包装 seaworthy packing/packing suitable for sea voyage

远洋运输 ocean transportation

包装纸 packing paper

舱位订满 the shipping space has been booked up

订舱 book the shipping space

装运 to effect shipment

装箱单 packing list

瓦楞硬纸板箱 three-layer cardboard boxes

小圆桶 keg

麻袋 gunny bag



铁皮圆桶 drum

茶叶箱 chest


琵琶桶 barrel

木箱 wooden case

纸盒 cardboard box

海关手续 custom formalities

海关放行 custom clearance

海关官员 custom officer

关税配额 custom quota

关税 custom duty

目的港 port of destination

塑料 polybag /polythene bag

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/40673


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