最佳答案 觉得价格贵,要么有人已经报过价了,要么就是你们价格客户卖没什么利润,要么客户就是随意的,不想做了,所以就说价格贵! 所以再次去核算你们的报价是不是真的贵了,如果贵了,肯定得降低一些利润来接下客户;如果价格利润合理,就得分析客户当地的消费能力,能力弱,则换材料或者工艺降低成本,从而降价;如果已经有竞争对手报价了,你们就得通过其他方面阐述价格合理,来说服客户。 现在肯定要问客户: Thank you for your feedback of our price. After double checking with our factory manager, to be honest, our price is reasonable, may I know why do you think our price is high? Does anyone quote you the lower price before or you will not have the estimated profit if with our price?
You can find we are a real factory through the previous video talking, no one will refuse the order if they have acceptable profit, and we really hope to do something for you if you could share us more information about the price and your market, thank you. We are looking forward your early reply.