We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to update you on the status of your shipment which has been in the warehouse for over 10 days now. Unfortunately, we haven't received confirmation on the shipping schedule yet.
Considering the delay, we would like to suggest an alternative solution to ensure your goods reach the destination on time. We propose pooling our cargo together with other shipments to fill a 40ft container on our own. By doing this, we can take control of the shipping process and expedite the delivery to meet the agreed upon timeline.
We understand that this may involve additional costs, but it would provide us with more flexibility and guarantee a quicker transit time. If you agree with this idea, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can proceed with the necessary arrangements.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to your prompt response.
The attchment is the booking list,including 9 kinds of goods.
We prepare ship these goods in LCL alonely,and the total volum is **.
What do you think of the way?