
但凡是学过英文的人都知道,英语语法和汉语在很多情况下都是截然相反的,就比如总所周知的日期和姓名吧,日期他们是把最小的单位放在前面,然后依次是比下一级小的单位,姓名呢,则是直接把姓氏放到名字的后面,那么对于书信呢?汉语中书信是前些年再常用不过的交流方式了,虽然现在来说稍有减弱,但是这丝毫不影响我们对它的喜爱程度,接下来就要进入我们的正题了,在英语中,书信格式会和汉语有着天壤之别吗?它的格式又是怎样的呢? 不管是什么样的书信或者话语都会分场合来抒发,对于书信也是如此,为不同对象写信,格式也是大有区别的,在这里,我们分为两种来描述书信格式的区别,第一是朋友间互通信件,第一行放时间,时间要放到最右侧,第二行则是信人了,比如:dear tom,要放到这一行的最左侧,接下来就是正文了,头要缩进四格,然后始书写内容,落款则和我们书信落款大致相同了。 第二种,比较正式或者是官方的书信,信件内容要包含信人地址、日期、称呼等内容,这是为了防止信封损坏的一个措施。头先写信人的地址信息,从小地方写到大,要顶左侧格,下面的日期以及头就和普通书信是没有多大区别的了。 对于比较正式的书信书写,还有一些需要注意的事项就是:在信头中写入越详细的内容,就证明对这封信件的重视程度越高,当然了要求也就越严格,对于商务英语信件,信头如果能包含寄信人地址、公司信息,信人地址,经由转交,参考号,日期,称呼,主题,正文,敬语,落款,签名,附注,附件等等;这样是比较专业的写法,难度也就相对比较大了,不过以上第一二种也能够基本满足我们日常生活中的英语书信的书写需要了。
2014-02-21 1396阅读
English letter format is quite different from Chinese letter format. For informal letters between friends, the first line should include the date on the far right, followed by the recipient’s name on the far left, such as “Dear Tom.” The body of the letter should be indented four spaces and written below the recipient’s name. The closing also follows a similar format to Chinese: with a closing remark and a signature.

For more formal letters or official correspondence, the address and date of the sender are included as a precautionary measure for damaged envelopes. The sender’s address and recipient’s address should be written in descending order from small to large on the top left-hand corner. The date should be written underneath the sender’s address on the right-hand side, and below the recipient’s address on the left-hand side. The body of the letter should follow the same format as informal letters, with a closing remark and signature.

It is essential to be detailed in the heading of a formal letter, as this shows the importance and seriousness of the letter. For business letters, a more professional format may include the sender’s address, company information, recipient’s address, reference number, date, salutation, subject, body of the letter, formal closing, signature, postscript, and attachments. This type of format may be more complex, but for everyday English letter writing, the informal or formal format discussed above will suffice.