
螺丝/机械英语对照总表 白铁盖螺丝 a2(18-8)cap screws 水平调整螺丝 adjusted leveling screws 航天扣件 aerospace fasteners 合金钢螺丝(栓) alloy steel screws (bolts) 铝螺丝 aluminum screws 车辆(汽车)螺丝、螺帽 automotive fasteners 复含材料钻尾螺丝 bi-metal self drilling screws 大尺寸螺丝 big size bolts 公母螺丝组 binder post & screw set 拉栓 blind bolts 铜螺丝(栓) brass screws (bolts) 建筑螺丝 building fasteners 建筑膨涨螺丝 building wall anchor 半圆头六角孔螺丝 button head socket cap screws 马车螺丝 carriage bolts 活动轮螺丝附件 castors fittings 塑板螺丝 chipboard screws 快速钉紧螺丝及螺帽 clinch studs & nuts 挤压扣件 clinching fasteners 齿花扣件 clinching parts 宽牙螺丝 coarse thread screws 链带螺丝 collated screws 水泥螺丝 concrete screws 板模扣件 construction fasteners 货柜螺丝 container screws 耐候钢螺丝 conten steel hey hex bolts 鱼尾螺丝 conten steel oval neck track bolts 双刀螺丝 cutter screws 匣板螺丝 deck screws 锌蝶螺丝 die cast wing screws;zinc alloy 双头牙螺丝 double end screws, hanger bolt 旋锁螺丝 drive lock screws 旋入螺丝 drive screws 墙用螺丝 drywall screws ejot delta pt screws ejot pt screws 电子螺丝 electronic screws 电梯螺丝 elevator bolts 欧洲螺丝 euro screws 环首螺丝 eye bolts 冈山头螺丝 fillister screws 鳍头螺丝 fin neck round head bolts 管配件接头 fitting fasteners (connectors) 突缘螺丝 flange bolts (screws) 平头六角孔螺丝 flat head socket cap screws 平纺螺丝 flat pan head screws 地板螺丝 flooring panel screws 基础螺丝 foundation bolts 框架支撑螺丝 frame anchor-lag round screws 家具螺丝 furniture screws (connecting bolts) 重型车螺丝、螺帽 hey duty wheel hub bolts & nuts 六角螺丝(栓) hex head cap screws (hex bolts) 六角机械螺丝 hex head machine bolts 六角木牙螺丝 hex lag bolts 内六角孔螺丝 hex socket cap screws 等高螺丝 hex socket head shoulder screw 薄头强力螺丝 hex socket low head cap screw 内六角固定螺丝 hex socket set screws 华司头机械螺丝 hex washer head machine screws 高低牙螺丝 high low thread screws 高张力螺丝 hex socket head shoulder screw 铰链螺丝 hinge screws 勾头螺栓 hook bolts 管夹螺丝 hose clamp screws 哈克钉 huck bolts 旋锁螺丝 ktx locking recess screws 机械螺丝 machine screws mdf螺丝 mdf screws 微小精密螺丝 micro screws 钼六角螺丝 mo hex head cap screws 钼nc螺丝 mo nc fasteners 钼螺帽 mo nuts 镍合金螺丝 monel fasteners 多冲程螺丝 multi-stage screw & parts 利革钉 nylon plug & screws 单向螺丝 one way lag screws 枋头中心螺丝 pan head center bolts 面板螺丝 panel fasteners 复合材料用螺丝(夹板用) particle board screws 贯穿螺丝 penetrate screws 十字四角复合螺丝 ph+sq combination screws 塑料螺丝 plastic screws 犁壁螺丝 plow bolts 特殊精密螺丝 precision axis and special fasteners 卷带螺丝 roll collated screws 屋顶螺丝 roofing screws 螺旋椿 screw studs 机(踏)车用螺丝.轴心 screws & shafts for motorcycle or bicycle 针车用螺丝.轴心 screws & shafts for sewing machine 螺丝附华司组合 screws & washers assembled (sems) 安全螺丝 security screws 钻尾螺丝 self drilling screws 自攻螺丝 self tapping screws 固定螺丝 screws & shafts for sewing machine 剪力钉 shear concrete stud 束肩螺丝(栓) shoulder screws (bolts) 一字沟槽固定螺丝 slotted set screws 止付螺丝 socket set screws 飞机特殊扣件 source control bolts 特殊涂装螺丝 special coating screws 特长螺丝 special longer screws 特殊材质螺丝 special material screws 特殊螺丝 special screws or bolts 特殊防松螺丝 special self-locking screws 不锈钢特殊螺丝 special stainless steel screws 特殊割尾螺丝 special thread cutting screws 四角螺丝 square head bolts 四角头固定螺丝 square head set screws 不锈钢大螺丝 stainless steel bolts 不锈钢塑板螺丝 stainless steel chipboard screws 不锈钢粗牙螺丝 stainless steel coarse thread screws 不锈钢旋入螺丝 stainless steel drive screws 不锈钢平头内六角孔螺丝 stainless steel flat head socket cap screws 不锈钢六角螺丝 stainless steel hex head cap screws 不锈钢内六角螺丝 stainless steel hex socket cap screws 不锈钢固定螺丝 stainless steel hex socket set screws 不锈钢高低牙螺丝 stainless steel high-low thread screws 不锈钢机械螺丝 stainless steel machine screws 不锈钢小螺丝 stainless steel screws 不锈钢钻尾螺丝 stainless steel self drilling screws 不锈钢自攻螺丝 stainless st
2014-01-16 1781阅读
ug anchors
超长螺丝 oversized screws
正义牙螺丝 pan head screws
螺母、螺栓、螺钉 nuts, bolts, screws
细牙螺丝 fine thread screws
粘结螺丝、粘附螺丝 adhesive screws
低头高杆牙螺丝 low head cap screws
合金铝螺丝(栓) metal screws (bolts)
米轮螺丝 meter screws
铜公司铆钉 monobolt brass rivets
螺丝、螺钉、螺柱 nuts, bolts, and studs
钉板钉,采用于固定金属或木质板材和织物的专用螺钉 panel pins, specialized screws for fastening metal or wood panels and fabric
垫圈连接螺丝 patch screw connectors
加固套管钉 pearl button tacks
弹簧螺丝、弹簧垫圈 spring fasteners
止回铆钉止回螺母 push/quick release fasteners
自攻螺丝 self-tapping screws
自攻木螺丝 self-tapping wood screws
锁止螺丝 security screws
自钻螺丝(栓) self-drilling screws (bolts)
挂墙螺丝和夹板垫 wall anchors and toggle bolts
不锈钢螺丝、不锈钢螺栓、不锈钢螺母 stainless steel screws, bolts, and nuts
结构用紧固件 structural fasteners
长螺丝 studs
布线螺丝 wire management screws

  • Gary7
  • Jo3
  • Rui2
  • cherie2
  • Jane13
  • 汤杰虎
    螺丝起子 screwdriver bit
    电动螺丝起子 autofeed screwdriver
    工具套筒组件 socket sets
    套筒 sockets
    板手 wrench
    自动炼带螺丝 autofeed screw driver
    合金钢线材盘元 alloy steel wire rod
    铝合金锭 aluminum alloy
    球状化线材 annealing wire & rod
    黑铁丝 black wire
    黄铜棒线 brass wire & rod
    磨光棒钢 bright steel bar (hex/round/square)
    铜合金线 copper alloy wire
    线切割线 e.d.m cutting wire
    快削钢线材盘元 free cutting steel wire rod
    镀锌铁线 galvanized steel wire
    线材 iron or steel wire
    线材盘元 iron or steel wire rod
    洋白铜线 nickel silver wire
  • Celeste
    盘形华司螺帽 conical washer nuts
    耐候钢六角重型螺帽 corten steel hey hex nuts
    长螺帽 coupling nuts
    铁盖+尼龙圈组合盖帽 din 986 domed cap nuts
    碟锁防松脱螺帽 disk-lock nuts
    企眼螺帽 eye coupling nuts
    环首螺帽 eye nuts
    突缘尼龙螺帽 flange nylon insert lock nuts
    平面华司螺帽 flat washer nuts
    齿轮 gears
    六角重型螺帽 hey hex nuts
    六角盖头螺帽 hex cap nuts
    六角突缘螺帽 hex flange nuts
    薄型螺帽 hex jam nuts
    薄型电子六角螺帽 hex jam nuts (for electronic)
    机械螺丝用六角螺帽 hex machine screw nut
    普通六角螺帽 hex nuts
    六角锯齿螺帽 hex serrated nuts
    双头内牙螺帽 hex (reducer )c