New applicants are advised to carry out a self-assessment against the standard to ascertain their readiness
for a third-party Certification Body (CB) audit. Applicants are to rectify any deficiencies identified as part of
their self-assessment prior to the third-party CB audit.
Once an applicant’s self-assessment has been carried out and is satisfied that all deficiencies identified
have been corrected the facility can proceed to Certification.
To become certified Applicants must be able to demonstrate compliance with this Standard, through an
independent third-party on-site assessment by a GSA Approved CB.
The CB must be approved by GSA and be accredited to ISO/IEC 17065:2012 (Conformity assessment —
Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes, and services) by an Accreditation Body who is a
Member of the International Accreditation Forum and a signatory to the Multilateral Recognition
The chosen Certification Body will formulate an agreement between the Applicant and the Certification
Body detailing the requirements and commitments needed from the Applicant.The GSA will maintain a list of approved Certification Bodies.
Facilities that are newly built or pre-existing facilities that an entity is moving the production operation into
must ensure that the requirements of the Standard are well implemented before they proceed to an initial
assessment by the third-party Certification Body. Such facilities must be in operation for at least 3 months
from commencing production to ensure that they can provide documentation and records to include all
annual and semi-annual requirements to demonstrate full compliance to the Core Standard and applicable
modules during the assessment. Examples of annual and semiannual records and documentation that
shall be available for the initial audit include:
• Water testing results
• Ice testing results
• Effluent testing (if applicable)
• Environmental testing
• Mock recall
• Finished product testing (if applicable)
Assessment Frequency
Audits to the Seafood Processing Standard are conducted at a frequency of once per annum. However, reaudits, short notice, or unannounced audits shall also be conducted at GSA and Certification Body
discretion where facility compliance concerns arise.
Scope of Audit
Duration of Assessments, and Non-Conformities
The duration of an assessment is dependent on several factors such as the size of the operation, number
of workers, process lines, HACCP plans, and/or number of species processed. In most cases the duration
would be a minimum of two days (all days on site, or combined desktop review in advance before time on
site). In all cases it shall be sufficient to ensure that a full assessment against the full requirements of the
SPS is achieved.
The GSA will insist upon accurate assessments by the Certification Body with a duration sufficient to ensure
integrity of the audit and achieve the audit objectives.
The Certification Body shall be mindful that the assessment format is one of systems review and physical
inspection of the site and manufacturing process. Time allocation during the assessment shall be such to