
电工术语 电缆 Electrotechnical vocabulary -?Electric cables 无镀层导体:plain conductor 金属镀层导体:metal coated conductor 镀锡导体:tinned conductor 金属包覆导体:metal-clad conductor 实心导体:solid conductor 实心导体可是圆形或者非圆形 绞合导体:stranded conductor 术语strand也可表示单线 圆形同心绞合导体:concentrically stranded circular conductor 束合导体:bunched conductor 复绞导体:multiple stranded conductor 软导体:flexible conductor 成型导体:shaped conductor 扇形导体:sector shaped conductor 紧压导体:compacted conductor 分割导体:milliken conductor 空心导体:hollow conductor 铜皮导体:tinsel conductor 同心股线:concentric strand 束合股线:bunched strand 同心中性导体:concentric neutral conductor 绝缘 导体绝缘 绕包绝缘:lapped insulation 浸渍纸绝缘:impregnated paper insulation 挤包绝缘:extruded insulation 矿物绝缘:mineral insulation 热塑性绝缘:thermoplastic insulation 热固性绝缘:thermosetting insulation 交联绝缘:cross-linked insulation 电屏蔽和接地金属屏蔽 电缆屏蔽:screen 导体屏蔽:conductor screen 绝缘线芯屏蔽:core screen 接地屏蔽:shield of a cable 可剥离屏蔽:strippable screen 粘结屏蔽:bonded screen 裸屏蔽线:drain wire /continuity wire 成缆 节距:length of lay 节径比:lay ratio 绞向:direction of lay 绝缘线芯:core 在北美,电缆的绝缘线芯core已经定义为电缆统包层(如护套)内各部件的组件,用insulated conductor表示 填充物:filler 缆芯:twisted loom/cabled assembly SZ成缆:SZ cabling 隔离层:separator 内衬层:inner covering 护套:sheath jacket(北美采用) 外护套versheath /outer sheath protective jacket(北美采用) 加强层:reinforcement 铠装层:armor 螺旋扎紧带:spiral binder tape 垫层:bedding 外被层:serving 编织层:braid 滑线:skid wire 皱纹金属套:corrugated metallic sheath 内护套:inner sheath inner jacket(北美) 防护套:barrier sheath 阻水粉末:water blocking powder/swelling powder 阻水带:water blocking tape 阻水胶:water blocking glue??swelling glue 分相屏蔽电缆:individually screened cable 径向电场电缆:radial field cable 软线:cord 成套线(电线组件):cord set 接地电极:earth electrode ground electrode(美国采用) 裸接地导体 uninsulated earth conductor 管式电缆:pipe-type cable 架空绝缘电缆:aerial cable 集束架空电缆:bundle assembled aerial cable 承力索:messenger 仪表电缆:measuring cable 热点偶补偿电缆:thermocouple compensation cable 终端:termination 密封终端:sealing end 终端盒:terminal box 分线盒:dividing box /spltter box 绕包式终端:taped termination 直通接头:straight joint 屏蔽导体,回流线:shielding conductor 绕包间隙:butt gap for cables 电缆盘:cable drum/cable reel 电缆线盘:cable spool 小规格的电缆盘 筒体:barrel 护板:lagging 电缆板条:cable lag 滚轮:roller 火花试验:spark test 电力电缆周期负荷载流量:cyclic current rating for electric cables
2014-05-06 825阅读
eld conductor, return conductor