这个客户,已如好友一般,基本上每一两个月都会和他share 一下近况,压力大的时候,时而和他吐槽,他这几句话,确实起到了打鸡汤的效果,分享给大家共勉
1. It‘s okay to cry. It’s okay to hurt. It‘s okay to scream. You Just never stop.
2. Sometimes I win. Sometimes I learn. But I never lose (超级喜欢这句)
3. The worst thing in life and most regret that hurt is not the things you do and regret. Is what you didn't do
4. Don't take shit from everyone!!!!(每天对自己默念十遍)
5. Pay attention to acts. Not words.
6. Don't worry about this you can't control. Focus on what you can control.[收起]