二、给“臃肿”的段落“瘦身”。 在商务英文信函写作中,我们要小心避免写出那些让读信人一看就得摒气凝神的“臃肿”段落。整块整块密实的文字,在每天要读十几封甚至几十封信的读信人看来,就像一座座的大山屹立于眼前,成为阅读的最大障碍。会让人由于细心理上的原因感觉你在罗嗦写废话。因此,写作者应该想尽一切法给它们“瘦身”。把较长的段落拆解成几段。一般的划分段落的原则是“一个段落只表达一个意思(A paragraph for each point is a good general rule.)”(摘自周邦友《英语应用文大典》第76页)如: 例(7):It is reported in a domestic newspaper that the Iranian Central Bank has instructed the commercial banks to suspend their business of opening a new letter of credit as from the 3rd May for financial reason of foreign currenc[收起]