
酒店英语常用百宝箱,提高酒店从业人员的行业素质,特别是英语水平,主要是听力和对话,这是一件迫切的而又实在的事情。总结了一些常用的对话,也可以作为很多出国游的爱好者的读物,有了较好的英语对话能力,你就不会在国外因语言不同而陷入窘迫之境。 常用句型百宝箱 1. 基本应对 1) do you he one single room for two nights? 我想两个晚上的单人房一间,行吗? 2) reservations. can i help you? 客房部,可以为您效劳吗? 3) i’d like to reserve a room. 我想订个房间。 4) how many nights do you wish to stay? 您希望住几晚? 5) how mach is the room? 房租是多少? 6) which date would that be? 要订在什么时候? 7) how many guest will there be in your party? 您一行有多少人? 8) may i know your name /phone number/email? 能告诉我您的姓名/电话号码/电子 邮件吗? 9) how do you spell that? 请问怎么拼写? 10) could hold the line, please? i’ll check our room ailability. 请别挂断好吗?我来检查一下是否有空房。 11) thank you for waiting, sir/ma’am. 让您久等了,先生/女士。 12) i’ll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我会晚一点到,请保留所的房间。 13) would you like me to make a guaranteed reservation by credit card? 您愿意用来担保吗? 14) i’d like to confirm your reservation. 我想确认一下您的。 2. 海外 1) may i he your airline and flight number, please? 请告诉我您搭乘的航空公司和班机号好吗? 2) we offer free transportation to and from airport. 我们免费的机场迎送服务。 3) we he a counter at the airport where our representative will escort you to the car. 我们在机场设有柜台,到时将有机场代表护送您上车。 4) do you know arrival time at xx airport ,sir? 您知道您抵达 xx 机场的时间吗? 5) do you mean local time ? 您指的是当地时间吗? 6) where can we contact you in guangzhou? 在广州我们可以经由哪个单位跟您联络? 7) care of xx company, the number is ?? 可以由 xx 公司转告我,电话号码是?? 8) we look forward to serving you. he a safe trip. 我们期待能为您服务。祝一路平安。 3. 指定的房间没空缺或房间客满 1) i’m afraid we he no twin rooms ailable, but we can offer a double room. 我们恐怕没有空余的双床间了,但可以给你一个大床间。 2) i’m afraid we he no suites ailable. would you mind a twin instead? 我们恐怕没有空余的套间了。您介意改订双床间吗? 3) i’m sorry,but we are fully booked for those days as it is the peak season. 很抱歉,因为是旺季,那段时间的客房都被光了。 4) is it possible for you to change your reservation date? 您可不可以改变日期呢? 5) this is the busiest season. i’m very sorry, but could you call us again later this week? we may he some cancellations. 现在是旺季,非常抱歉,但是请您这个周末再打来好吗?可能会有人取消。 6) can you book me into another in the area? 可不可以在当地为我另外一家旅馆呢? 7) we hope we’ll he another opportunity to server you. 我们期待下次能再为您效劳。 4. 确认 1) is this a new reservation or a confirmation call? 您这个电话是新的,还是确认呢? 2) i’d like to confirm a reservation. 我要确认一下。 3) your room is confirmed. 您的已经得到确认。 4) i’m afraid that we he no record of a reservation(for that date)in your name. 恐怕我们没有您那天的记录。 5) shall i make a reservation for you now? 我现在为您好吗? 6) when did you make the reservation? 您什么时候的? 7) in whose name was the reservation make? 这是用谁的名字订的? 5. 为客人更改/取消/延长 1) i’d like to extend my reservation for one more night. 我想将再延长一晚上。 2) we’ll extend the reservation for you. 我们会为您延长的。 3) i’d like to change/cancel a reservation. 我要更改/取消一项。 4) certainly ,sir. we’ll make the change/cancellation fir you. 当然可以,先生。我们会为您更改/取消的。
2013-12-18 882阅读
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  • Rick5
  • hah