
励志刻苦学英语的童鞋们有福啦~小编教给你攻克英语学习的八大杀手锏!英语学习一定要长期坚持哦~ 1. listening and imitating should always go together. use the lip method! listen, imitate, practice! 听和模仿一定要同时。 使用“lip”方法:听、模仿、操练! 2. language speaking is like singing. try to learn english the same way you learn a song. speaking with emotion, tone and rhythm will make your english perfect and fluent. 说语言就像唱歌一样。 你怎么学唱歌,就怎么学英语。带着感情、注意声调和节奏说英语,这会让你的英语完美而流畅。 3. repeat the words in useful sentences as many times as possible. that is the only way to “own” a word and make it yours forever! repetition is the mother of learning! 尽量把单词放在有用的句子中反复操练。 这是“拥有”一个单词并把它变成你永远的财富的惟一途径!重复是学习之母! 4. to remember the new words and phrases you’ve learned, carry a small notebook to record and review the new materials. 要记住学过的生词和短语,随身携带一个小笔记本,记录和复习新的材料。 5. reading loudly will greatly improve your fluency and concentration. you will also hear your own mistakes and be able to improve them. 大声朗读会大大提高你的流畅度,让你更能集中注意力。 你还可以听到自己的错误,从而可以改正。 6. make your own english study cards and carry them wherever you go. you will make the best use of spare time every day and reinforce your memory. this small action will produce a great result. 自己英语学习卡片并随身携带。 你可以最大程度地利用每天的空闲时光,还可以强化你的记忆力。这个小小的行动将会产生巨大的效果。 7. keep an english journal. try to write a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as many times as possible before you go to sleep. this will teach you to “think” in english. besides, you will score higher on your composition exams! 坚持写英语日记。 写几个句子描述一下你的一天,然后在睡觉前尽可能多地大声操练。这个方法可以教会你用英语“思考”。此外,考试时作文你也可以拿更高的分! 8. collect english learning material everywhere! english magazines and newspapers are a great choice. writing down sentences while watching american movies is another great source of real life learning material! 到处搜集英语学习材料! 英语杂志和报纸都是非常好的选择。此外还有个好方法可搜集到活生生的学习材料:看美国电影的时候写下其中的句子!
2013-12-13 333阅读
非常实用的八大杀手锏! 为了更好地掌握英语,我们应该多学习多使用英语,不断提高自己的听说读写能力,并且不断地复习和巩固自己学过的知识点。祝愿大家在英语学习上取得更好的成绩!