
到一封来自正规B2B平台的一个询盘,打一个不是对我产品有兴趣!而是 该人 从原来的采购经理荣升为市场经理,这样一来他就没法从原来中国的采购商那获得回扣了,公司派了新的采购员来中国,所以现在他希望我能装作中国产品的商,和他们新的采购经理接触,继续保持和他们公司的交易! 就是向问下有没有这样类似的事情发生,还是就是 一个骗局的始?下面是原文! Thanks for your reply and following is more details about the proposal. Let me know if you are interested and serious about this, because I don't want any possibility arise which may affect my reputation in this company after I introduce you fully to our company as a supplier for this product. I was the Purchasing Manager of my company until my recent promotion which I he been promoted as the Marketing Manager. During my tenure as the Purchasing Manager, I used to go to china for the purchase of sunflower Oil from an agent there on a contract bases. It's egetable oil but our company is dealing on Olive oil which you can take a look on our company profile below. I used to purchase this product at the rate of $750usd/MT and I sold to my company at the rate of $920usd/MT. Since my promotion, a new Purchasing Manager has been appointed. His presence and subsequent meetings with the agent in china will deny me of the gains and also affect my reputation with my company. Because of this, I am soliciting for your assistance, to stand as the local agent supplier of this product so that the New Purchasing manager who will soon be in china will buy the products through you in other to protect my former dealings. I'm a simple being and never the greedy type, therefore I don't mind the percentage offered to me from the profit as I will suggest 50% for me, 40% for you and 10% for any sundry local and international expenses (operational ) cost during each of the trip if occurs. FREQUENCY / QUANTITY OF PRODUCT & DELIVERY REQUIRED. The frequency of order is depends on the total quantity of ordered by the company at a time. If the first order in small quantities, the company will make an order in twice a month. If the first order in large quantities the company will place orders only once a month but the current order now maybe up to 6000MT. All matters pertaining to the shipment will be made by the Purchasing Manager who will come to meet you in china after he has inspect and confirm the goods. You will give me your information, which I will submit to our MARKETING DEPARTMENT as the distributor of the product, whom I used to buy the products. But before going that further, I'll prepare a mutual agreement for us to sign to be bide. I will equally furnish you with the contact information of the agent in china that I used to buy the products from, for you to contact him. You do not need to buy this product with your own capital, as per the orders made; our company will make payments direct to you upon confirmation of the product. I hope the above explanation is clear.
2013-11-29 2475阅读
Based on the content of the email, it is highly likely that this is a scam. The person is asking you to pretend to be a China-based supplier and to assist in their scheme to maintain their profitable deals with their former company. They are offering you a share of the profits, but this is likely just a ploy to get you to provide personal and financial information that they can use for fraudulent purposes. It is always best to exercise caution when dealing with unsolicited emails and proposals, and to verify the authenticity of the sender and their intentions before taking any action.
  • sophie11
  • claire.kao
    无巧不成书,我也到了一模一样的邮件哦,是一个来自美国的人名叫Christ Jovan的人发的,不过他之前跟我说是从越南采购哦,现在变中国了,他所说的量还是没变。我觉得没有这么好的事,你算算他给你的利润,无缘无故给你那么多钱,可能吗?我之前也发了贴了,想问问大家觉得这个人最终到底想如何行骗。这是我之前发的帖zllpmyyjjjjjylzw?rva4696983a1a1_zlgd
  • Agus.Subarkah
  • SIMON19
    2L 找封~~~
  • claire.kao
  • Anne.Wong
  • SIMON19