
Concerning your cushion, I guess that′s what your question is for? We really like it. But some comments and suggestions. -? ?? ?The sound box, is it the final one? Because the Bluetooth quality is kinda bad, especially if you turn down the volume, it starts to make noise. -? ?? ?Concerning the color. Enclosed you may find a picture. Could you try to get these colors? For plain color, it is pantone rhodamine red U. -? ?? ?For the square color, could you use the square color in the picture and style. The square is a little smaller, the color is some kind of red. -? ?? ?For the border, would be great in this kind of green style
2013-10-12 384阅读
Hi there! I understand that you have some questions and suggestions regarding your cushion, so I will be happy to assist you.

Regarding the sound box, I suggest you check if the firmware is up-to-date. This may improve the Bluetooth quality. However, if this does not help, it may be best to contact the manufacturer for further troubleshooting or a possible replacement.

In terms of the color, I suggest sending the picture you provided directly to the manufacturer to see if they can match the exact pantone color or provide something similar. If you have a specific color preference, I suggest being specific with the manufacturer to ensure that they understand your requests.

As for the border, I suggest sending a picture or detailed description of the green style you prefer to the manufacturer. This will help them to better understand your preferences and provide you with a customized cushion according to your liking.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
  • Rishi.Thareja
    Concerning your cushion, I guess that´s what your question is for?

    We really like it. But some comments and suggestions.

    -      The sound box, is it the final one? Because the Bluetooth quality is kinda bad, especially if you turn down the volume, it starts to make noise.音箱最终就只能成这样吗?因为蓝牙的品质有点烂,特别是当你把音量调低时,音箱就始发出燥音。

    -      Concerning the color. Enclosed you may find a picture. Could you try to get these colors? For plain color, it is pantone rhod