8月13日 北京时间 11:13分:
Please give me a quote on your 16 ft trampolines with enclosure and tadder...
I am from USA but currently import to the Southeast Asia Market.
(内容很简单,但不能因此就认为是垃圾询盘,试想如果自己是家,能有多少时间给每一个商单独发询盘? GOOGLE下客人的公司名,很容易找到其网站,客人的网站在 上排名360多W,能有排名就不错了,OK,初步确定客人是值得去了解的,调整下报价单发过去)
为了节省双方的时间,赶紧回复, 第一次回盘要争取给客户的感觉:1)及时 2)专业? ?3)简洁不罗嗦? ?4)礼貌? ?5)我想知道的有,没想到的也有)
(我是用的FOXMAIL, 直接拉出签名里的 模板,改下客户的公司名,时间,标题)
Quotation on 16' Trampoline
Dear Mr. Chad Richardson,
Nice to meet you!
Thanks for your interest in our trampolines.
Attached is our quotation for your reference(You could check packing and loading details in the second sheet in the same excel file). If any more questions, please feel free to contact us.
We are professional manufacturer of trampolines in China mainland, with seasoned craftsman (around 10 years' experience in this field), and best steel tubes in China mainland, you could be assured about our quality. Our trampolines he been approved by TUV/GS certificate. (You could find us on TUV official website with our certificate No. XXXX)
Hope we could be long-term partners in future!
Best Regards (这里,如果对方的官方语言不是英语,我们可以换成对方的语种,直接GOOGLE翻译,不准没关系,好比老外跟你说 “致诚挚的候”,你不介意对方的语言错误,反而会对他另眼相看)
(有的老外喜欢邮件末尾加一句环保的提醒" Please consider the environment before printing this mail note." 我们不妨也加上去)
(这些其实都是其次,最重要的是你的报价单,要亮,比你的同行的报价要详细,但客人得看得清楚,一般是用EXCEL表格,我是调整又调整才有了固定的模板,我的报价单里有2个sheet, sheet1是产品价格,参数,照片; sheet2是包装资料,每一箱装的内容,纸箱尺寸,毛净重,另外稍微一下,让客人自己填下数量,总的金额,立方,毛净重都自动显示出来,这个是简单的加减乘除,很容易的,花不了多长时间)
1)客人在等其他商的答复,再比较, 这是最大的可能
2)客人可能在休息,未上班,但这种工作到半夜的客户很少休息的, 可能性不大
8月21日 北京时间02:57 客人回复了 (当然该时间我是在困告啦)(期间,我是一次都没去问客户,我曾经用国外的邮箱给自己的同行询盘过,对于那种第一次价格就很高的人,我是绝对不会回复的,无论对方,2天,3天的同样的邮件来问我情况如何,时间就是金钱,跟你这样的商谈,浪费大量时间后还不一定有满意的结果)(客人肯定是比较过几家后再挑选几个比较满意的商进一步沟通)
We are interested in testing the quality and sending samples to our buyers. We are currently buying from another supplier as well, however we he had problems with quality and manufacturing time. Hopefully we can find that your trampolines are to the high quality we expect. Also, your prices are a little higher than we would like. We can accept the price for our sample shipment, but we need to know if you can be flexable on price with large orders.
We he a shipment leing Guangzhou/ Shenzhen in about 30 days... Can you make delivery before this deadline?
In our trial order we will need 20 complete 16 foot trampolines with enclosure and ladder... Also if you he trampoline cover you can include that.
We can make payment as soon as we receive a proforma invoice and lead-time/ delivery time details.
I hope that our relationship will grow and that we can use you as our new supplier.
(看,老外连个 Dear 都不加,但邮件内容又很充实,清楚的说明了他的工作风格:不浪费时间,直接谈重点: Andrew,我们之前的商不好,想换新的,你们能否……? )
(OK, 客人还是比较实在的)(但是当天我并没有立即回复,为什么? 美元汇率这个月降了好多,老板重新调整了价格,高了好几美金,怎么跟客人去说呢,先不急,明天再答复)
8月22日 北京时间 09:27分 回复过去:
Dear Chad, (对方没有 Dear,我还是要加,感觉还是礼貌一点, 但这次我不加 Mr. 了,第一次回盘一般都带尊称 Mr./ Ms.??(对男人,第一次就称呼Mr. 对女人,称呼Ms.,我觉得最好不用Mrs. 这是对已婚妇女的尊称,女人都喜欢年轻,还是用Ms.好)。 因为对方不称呼我Mr.我也不再称呼对方Mr., 一来,老外习惯这样,二来,总是称呼对方Mr.,感觉有点自降身份了)(这些都是小节,重要的还是能否满足客人的需求?)
You must know how qucik the exchange rate (USD - RMB) drops in August, in fact we he revised our prices last week, and it is higher than what I quoted to you.
We quoted the prices in May, but when customers paid the balance in end of July, the exchange rate is different, which means we could get fewer RMB.