GOOGLE +领英私信模板,通过率100%

领英私信模板来咯 1.Hello xxx, After viewing your profile, I would be honored in you as part of my network to learn with you. Could you accept my connection request? 2.共同兴趣爱好能力为切入点 Hello xx This is xx. I am impressed by your skill in xxx. I am learning to xxx too. It is my honor to have you as part of the network and to learn from you. Could you please accept my invitation via Linkedin? Many thanks. Best regard 大家在写私信一定先调查你需要加的采购,有什么兴趣爱好,有没有共同点? 背调背调背调 多角度,多纬度联系客户 一样是群发,想想有没有自己可以做的更好的地方? 一样是一对一发开发信,能不能比别人多走一步?
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