
客户投诉我们的同事工作效率和理解能力低下:Michael:I appreciate if u get involve with Jane, she is not following po's instructions and get back to us in the same subject with difference. Last week was Vet certificates, then Bill of ladings explanations, now is packaging when we are attaching all e-mail's for you and her reference which is been discussed to be use on 3 months. We want to continue and trust in oiur relationship but it's issues which has to be stop.I will appreciate if you come back to us with a determination for the future.Thanks,我第一次草拟的回复如下(没发给客人):1 Re. the balance of packagingIt’s our fault that we did not explain well and cause the confusion.When we advised 3 months in the early email, we meant to ship these packaging in 3 months, and when we talked about 1 month, we meant to receive your order for these packaging in 1 month, but the ship date can be Nov.Pls advise if you will be able to place the order in 1 month or you need more time. We will also improve and take care in future communication. Thank you.2??Re. The communication efficiencyWe review the emails of these days. For the email back and forth, we think the most important reason is because we do not know well about your company internal organization and each person’s work scope, so sometimes we do not address the right person to clarify our questions, and the message we received from different people is not consistent. We got this problem when we got back to you for Vet and BL.Pls advise your company internal organization’s function, and we can contact the right person in future communication. Thank you.Apology again for any inconvenience. We will take care and improve our communication in future.修改以后,最终发给客人的版本:1 Re. the balance of packagingSori for inconsistent info we provided and confuse you.When we advised 3 months in the early email, we meant to ship these packaging in 3 months, and when we talked about 1 month, we meant to receive your order for these packaging in 1 month, but the ship date can be Nov or later.Pls advise if you will be able to place the order in 1 month? We will provide consistent info and prevent confusion in future. Thank you.2??Re: The communication efficiencyWe did notice it take too many back and forth communication on B/L & Vet, it sounds to me that our people don’t know well about your internal organization, we address question to improper people which come back inaccurate info and bring confusion to us, this create lots of unnecessary back and forth communication & make both parties loss efficiency.In order to improve communication efficiency, could you pls advise who we should address for below area;1.? ? ? ? PO placement, PI (We notice both Mislay and Angela place Pos.)2.? ? ? ? Any question related to PO3.? ? ? ? logistic & Customs clearance, including import permit, Shipping document / Vet Document, etc.4.? ? ? ? New product development5.? ? ? ? Packaging & artwork approval6.? ? ? ? Production sample approval7.? ? ? ? Accounting (We suppose we should contact Michael Reid, pls double cfm)Again, apology for inconvenience. We will improve communication efficiency in future.不过多评论,前后修改之处还是很值得细细品位的,差别之处请各位自己好好琢磨。
2013-05-06 2166阅读
date can be Nov.Pls advise if you will be able to place the order in 1 month or you need more time. We apologize for any confusion caused and assure you that we will improve our communication in the future.

2 Re. The communication efficiency
We apologize for the back and forth emails and any inconvenience caused. Upon reviewing the emails, we realize that one of the main reasons for the confusion is our lack of understanding of your company's internal organization and each person's responsibilities. As a result, we sometimes do not address the right person to clarify our questions, and the messages we receive from different individuals may not be consistent.

To avoid such issues in the future, we kindly request you to advise us on your company's internal organization and each person's function. This will enable us to communicate with the right person and ensure smoother and more efficient communication.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused and assure you that we are committed to improving our communication with you. We value our relationship with you and appreciate your trust.
  • emirley
  • Ron6
  • 黄生
  • ZOE5
    很细心的琢磨过了, 不错
  • Ron6
    不错的文笔  花了不少时间来琢磨吧?
  • 黄生
  • 黄生
  • emirley
  • Ron6
  • yuzike-angel
  • Jyoti
    我以前就跟过这样的客户.给我的VENDOR INSTRUCTION 有76页之多,全是英文版的.他们要求VENDOR全部按照他们的规则,什么事情找什么人.否则觉得你不够专业,浪费时间,而且如有什么DELAY,那就是PUNISHMENT,直接在货款扣,没商量的.
  • summer4
  • carrie.he
  • 黄生