
2013年成交的客户 这是我在成交的第一个客户,所在这个公司的。8月份入职,9月份始用平台,其实八月份呢一直在了解产品,其实就是瞎玩瞎闹呢,根本没有什么实质的突破,实在是闲着没事的时候就去b2b上一些网站和信息,天天去广告上去找,但是后来发现不是的多就管用,主要是你自己一定要维护这个平台,这样才会有效果,当然我也有到一些询盘。 下面主要谈谈我的设备客户: 我是在平台上找到他的,主动给他写信,后来老外通过平台给我发来了询盘,然后我就给他回信了,信件如下: dear xx, thanks for your inquiry of xx machine. we are a supplier of??xx machine, we could manufacture it according to your requirement, if you he any special requirement,please let me know, then i will give it to our engineers to give you best reply. in order to understand our machine, so i would like to give you more detailed technical specification for your reference,please check it. could you let me know what is your capacity per day?then we will give you some suggestion for the related equipment. if you he any other question,please feel free to contact with me. i am looking forward to your reply. 其实我本身没有报太大的希望,这封邮件是10月12日写的,但是客户没有回复我,于是乎我在10.16给客户又写了一封信,因为第一封邮件客户不回,实属正常,第二封邮件如下: dear xx how are you? he you ever receive the e-mail i sent to you?if you do not receive it, i will send it to you again. you will found the detailed technical sheet and introduction about the equipment. if you think it is not detailed for you, then??i will send more information for your reference. if you he any question,please feel free to contact with me. best regards, 上午写的这封邮件,客户下午回复我的邮件,挺快的,但是却有一堆的问题等着我来回答,我看到这封邮件的时候,感觉客户是相当的专业,本身我也是个新人,这些问题对于我来说就是相当的难,因为我刚入职两个月啊,报着试试的态度去回复他邮件,大概十几问题的样子,我就一个一个的回答 ,当天这封邮件我都没有发回去,因为好多问题,我也不知道,不知道有的问了下经理,有的直接自己大概蒙一个。 客户后来回复我了,说会认真的看我的回信,我一看到这个迫不及待的给客户回了另一封邮件,邮件如下: thanks for your quick reply and reminder, i think it is so good if i do not give you reply. for the answers to your question,if you could not understand it, i will explain it in other words. i hope that i will get the feedback from you after you read the letter. 客户认真读之后说用蓝色的笔标注出来一些问题,然后对于这些来回答 第二天,也说就是10.15到客户的邮件,直接要和我签合同,我现在也不知道我当时怎么想的,这个价格是在我写发信上写出来的,没想到客户当时觉得特别的便宜,就同意了,这个当真没有想到啊。 邮件如下: we would be ready to contract microwe vacuum drying machine quickly but before we decide anything we need to receive your reply on our e-mail of yesterday. thank you very much in advance for any reaction. best regards
2014-05-11 503阅读
chine for production of microwave vacuum drying of fruits. Please inform us the price of the machine. The following production capacity is desirable: 50-100 kg per hour. Accordingly, all the required components must be included in the delivery - vacuum pump, microwave source, computer control system, etc.

Thank you for your help.

Dear xx,

Thank you for your interest in our microwave vacuum drying machine for production of fruits. The price for the machine with the required components you mentioned is $XX,XXX. We can also provide you with detailed technical specifications and drawings for your reference. If you have any further questions or need any assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
