
(四)采购及销渠道 不同渠道沟通方式不同 不同渠道关注点不同 图片:无标.png 各环节渠道:订货数量,交货期要求,销条件,认证要求,价格中加价幅度,后服务要求,其他. (五)采购模式:直接采购,间接采购,季节性采购,非季节性采购 (六)地区特征:欧美,日韩,港台,俄罗斯中东,拉美各国,阿拉伯中东国家,印度,华侨,非洲客人 (七)经验:家从业经验,行业知识,产品知识,关注要点,兴趣点,知识要点 (八) 吻合度:确保有针对性的找客户,公司成立几年,外销经验?销队伍的框架模式,我们目前在那个阶段,客户定位,产品定位,消费层次 成长型企业要考虑的: 公司的主要市场和客户类型 那些客户会带来最大利润 那些是长期合作客户 客户应该具备的要素 客户的兴趣点在哪里 客户为什么要长期跟我们合作 客户的关注点 成熟期的客户 营运策略,产品创新,品牌推广,渠道策略 不同家类型的关注点 零商 商 贸易商 商 百货公司-对口商,有采购系统,采购部门负责人 国际连锁大场-对价格敏感度很高,量很大 中小型零商-本土采购,商业化,网络化采购 OEM品牌商-社会责任比较讲究,有规模,有质量保证,利润较好 图片:无题.png 图片:1.png 合理详细的报价单,稳定的产品质量,诚信经营,出口经验,订单管理流程 满足产能要求,符合验厂标准,质量标准,外贸人员的沟通能力 图片:2.png 直接沟通能力,口语能力,精确,准时,快速沟通 执行订单的运作能力,团队配合能力,如何控制质量,准时交货,经验,长期合作,行业背景,研发能力 基本的贸易常识,营销知识,与工厂同步能力,贴近工厂\生产\了解生产情况,英文知识和业务能力 了解市场需求,家链的角色,所处的环境,方市场需要的相关政策 研发和创新能力,改变接受指令状态,积极主动沟通,提升销技巧。 看一下阿里家的一些关注点报告: 2013年6月,我们有一份调研报告是这么说的:对于产品详细页面的一些不满意 图片:3.png 对于独立detail页面不满意原因: u??没有展示具体的运费+运费计算: Item does not show price per piece; amount of shipping from China to US + Prices should be on the page . There should be a shipping cost calculator u??家没有个性化定制服务: Most of them hen't dimensions and the company manufacturing them are not putting various sizes ailable.+ I don't see other customization options. u??图片不要有阿里巴巴logo: I would like to get picture without "alibaba" on it ! 希望独立detail页面上展示的其他信息: u??展示产品的尺寸大小: I want to know about size and shelf + All of construction dimensions. Most of them hen't dimensions and the company manufacturing them are not putting various sizes ailable. u??展示的信息不真实: Actual product information. This company is using generic photos from other suppliers to advertise a product it does not even he. Company is advertising a product it does not supply - has none in stock, either as product or sample. (没有却说有) The heading says "The Newest Design Men’s Italian Wool Suit Fabric (SDL1005727)" , but the under "Quick Details", says "Rayon/Polyester". This is confusing. Then, under "Specifications" it says yet a third description: "50%W 40%S 10%T".(产品标题和实际不符) u??产品质保: Product warranty information 接下来看:网站上的一些建议要求 图片:7题.png Mini Site可展示的其他信息: u??更准确的价格-展示准确的产品价格+运费的展示和计算: Need prices, picture of all parts and lift for the price, shipping calculation ailable for price Direct response from the seller and price list.....less typing If you could search items by 'price + postage' in ascending or descending price order u??展示家已经完成的交易: I will suggest that this page contains some of their previous completed transaction. u??大图展示产品图片-更大的图片+多图+动态图: Larger images+ use pages in place of one page If there's some animations flash format can make for products presentation u??添加产品视频操作 Added operation video 对Mini Site的建议: u??产品展示-不该有太多重复和错误的图片 A lot of duplicate products. Wrong named products (ipad5 instead of iphone5) Sometimes pictures show different product.??Poor nigation - not easy to browse a specific category of product.??Bad English. u??产品搜索-更精准的搜索结果: It would be better if only the item I enter in the search appears and not other items I am not looking to purchase u??网站设计-页面设计可以更好看: Make it cleaner and easier to nigate. I suggest creating a sleeker design to your entire website; making the visit memorable. When I first came upon this site; "fake" was my first thought. +??please give a better look to this page. 以上是调研出来的数据 第二部份:分析你的家有哪些方法? 1)通过海关及联合国数据,MBA群已经在教了,其实一句话就是通过数据找目标市场 2)kompass等黄页网站找到家,一般用你的行业下游关键词去找,看截图,如你是玻璃的就用construction来找 图片:8.png 3)展会上找国内外龙头企业 4)国内评定的十佳百佳企业名单等,还有外贸邦斯富豪榜,当然,另外经常看B2B或者行业网站里广告的同行,换位思考一下广告的企业一般是行业内实力不错且享有品牌号召的企业,可以经常关注一下他们的网站滴,往往他们展示的内容可能就是家关注的内容拉。 5)细心,细心了,询盘内容,ATM家聊天,还有业务沟通中所有的点滴都会家的关注点的,
2014-04-04 313阅读
anty - Is there a warranty and what does it cover?
Detailed product description that tells me everything I need to know about the product, including materials, dimensions, features, supported platforms or devices, etc.
Multiple images of the product from different angles, including close-ups of any unique features or details.
Customer reviews and feedback, including ratings and actual user experiences with the product.
Proof of certifications, patents, trademarks, or other relevant legal documentation to verify the product's authenticity and quality.