
在翻译中偶然查到了这些,和大家一起分享,希望能有用: 冶金专业英语 钢铁冶金 5.1 炼焦 炼焦coking 高温炭化high temperature carbonization 塑性成焦机理plastic mechanism of coke formation 中间相成焦机理mesophase mechanism of coke formation 选煤coal preparation, coal washing 配煤coal blending 配煤试验coal blending test 炼焦煤coking coal 气煤gas coal 肥煤fat coal 瘦煤lean coal 焦炉coke oven 焦化室oven chamber 焦饼coke cake 结焦时间coking time 周转时间cycle time 装煤coal charging 捣固装煤stamp charging 推焦coke pushing 焦炭熄火coke quenching 干法熄焦dry quenching of coke 焦台coke wharf 装煤车larry car 推焦机pushing machine 拦焦机coke guide 熄焦车quenching car 焦炉焖炉banking for coke oven 焦炭coke 冶金焦metallurgical coke 铸造焦foundry coke 焦炭工业分析proximate analysis of coke 焦炭元素分析ultimate analysis of coke 焦炭落下指数shatter index of coke 焦炭转鼓指数drum index of coke 焦炭热强度hot strength of coke 焦炭反应性coke reactivity 焦炭反应后强度post-reaction strength of coke 焦炭显微强度microstrength of coke 焦炉煤气coke oven gas 发热值calorific value 煤焦油coal tar 粗苯crude benzol 苯benzene 甲苯toluene 二甲苯xylene 苯并呋喃-茚树脂 coumarone-indene resin 精萘refined naphthalene 精蒽refined anthracene 煤[焦油]沥青 coal tar pitch 沥青焦pitch coke 针状焦needle coke 型焦formcoke 5.2 耐火材料 耐火材料refractory materials 耐火粘土fireclay 高岭土kaolin 硬质粘土flint clay 轻质粘土soft clay 陶土pot clay 蒙脱石montmorillonite 叶蜡石pyrophyllite 膨润土bentonite 鳞石英tridymite 方石英cristobalite 砂岩sandstone 耐火石firestone 莫来石mullite 氧化铝alumina 烧结氧化铝sintered alumina 电熔氧化铝fused alumina 刚玉corundum 红柱石andalusite 蓝晶石kyanite,cyanite 硅线石sillimanite 橄榄石olivine 方镁石periclase 镁砂magnesia 镁砂synthetic sintered magnesia 电熔镁砂fused magnesia 烧结白云石砂sintered dolomite clinker 镁铬砂synthetic magnesia chromite clinker 尖晶石spinel 镁铬尖晶石magnesia chrome spinel,magnesiochromite 硅藻土diatomaceous earth, infusorial earth 蛭石vermiculite 珍珠岩perlite 碳化硅silicon carbide 氮化硅silicon nitride 氮化硼boron nitride 粘土熟料chamotte 熟料grog 轻烧light burning,soft burning 死烧dead burning,hard burning 成型模注shaping moulding 机压成型mechanical pressing 等静压成型isostatic pressing 摩擦压砖机friction press 液压压砖机hydraulic press 捣打成型ramming process 熔铸成型fusion cast process 砖坯强度green strength,dry strength 隧道窑tunnel kiln 回转窑rotary kiln 倒焰窑down draught kiln 耐火砖refractory brick 标准型耐火砖standard size refractory brick 泡砂石quartzite sandstone 酸性耐火材料acid refractory [material] 硅质耐火材料siliceous refractory [material] 硅砖silica brick,dinas brick 熔融石英制品fused quartz product 硅酸铝质耐火材料aluminosillicate refractory 半硅砖semisilica brick 粘土砖fireclay brick,chamotte brick 石墨粘土砖graphite clay brick 高铝砖high alumina brick 硅线石砖sillimanite brick 莫来石砖mullite brick 刚玉砖corundum brick 铝铬砖alumina chrome brick 熔铸砖fused cast brick 碱性耐火材料basic refractory [material] 镁质耐火材料magnesia refractory [material] 镁砖magnesia brick 镁铝砖magnesia alumina brick 镁铬砖magnesia chrome brick 镁炭砖magnesia carbon brick 中性耐火材料neutral refractory [material] 复合砖composite brick 铝炭砖alumina carbon brick 铝镁炭转alumina magnesia brick 锆炭砖zirconia graphite brick 镁钙炭砖magnesia clacia carbon brick 长水口long nozzle 浸入式水口immersion nozzle,submerged nozzle 定径水口metering nozzle 氧化铝-碳化硅-炭砖 al2o3-sic-c brick 透气砖gas permeable brick,porous brick 滑动水口slide gate nozzle 水口砖nozzle brick 塞头砖stopper 绝热耐火材料insulating refractory 轻质耐火材料light weight refractory 袖砖sleeve brick 格子砖checker brick,chequer brick 陶瓷纤维ceramic fiber 耐火纤维refractory fiber 耐火浇注料refractory castable 耐火混凝土refractory concrete 荷重耐火性refractoriness under load 抗渣性slagging resistance 耐磨损性abrasion resistance 5.3 碳素材料 [含]碳[元]素材料 carbon materials 无定形碳amorphous carbon 金刚石diamond 炭相[学]ca
2014-03-21 1415阅读
道窑kiln, tunnel kiln
立式窑shaft kiln
半干法干燥bermed drying
预制件prefabricated piece
型砂moulding sand
浸渍型砂impregnated moulding sand
粘接砂bonded sand
冷型砂cold box sand
干砂dry sand
涂砂zircon coated sand
气流除尘器cyclone dust collector
湿法除尘器wet dust collector
热风高炉hot blast stove
冷风高炉cold blast stove
煤气洗涤器gas washer
废气焚烧炉waste gas incinerator
炉渣furnace slag
高炉炉渣blast furnace slag
转炉炉渣converter slag
电炉炉渣electric furnace slag
渣铁iron slag
生铁pig iron
铁water-free iron
合金铁alloy iron
铁合金炉ferro-alloy furnace
炼铁blast furnace ironmaking
铁合金炼钢ferro-alloy steelmaking
转炉炼钢converter steelmaking
熔炼furnace process
炼铸refining and casting
模铸investment casting
砂型铸造sand casting
气膜铸造V-process casting
低压铸造low pressure casting
压力铸造pressure casting
重力铸造gravity casting
中空铸造vacuum casting
连铸continuous casting
冷镦cold pier
滚压roll forging,roll forming
锻模forging die
挤压模extrusion die
滚轮roll,mill roll
拉制品drawn products
锅炉壳体boiler casing
工具钢用铸锻件cast-steel forgings for tool steel
连铸机mould casting machine
转炉煤气blowing gas
精炼炉refining furnace
转炉罐体converter vessel
转炉采样器ladle sample taker
转炉电极converter electrode
连铸真空罐tundish vacuum box
连铸冷却水cooling water for continuous casting
转炉注氧lance oxygen blowing
转炉底吹bottom blowing in converter
废钢uses of scrap
转炉砖converter lining bricks
转炉砖耐火胶motor for converter lining bricks
连铸结晶器crystallizer of continuous casting