
在投英文的简历信时,千万不要按照中文的写作标准来进行,那样的话只会被招聘公司的人笑话,既然决定进入外贸企业,那么你的英文介绍书信就是你首要的敲门砖,公司会凭借着你的介绍信来判断你的英文水平,从而会判断要不要打电话让你来进行面试。   一,英文的建立介绍信一定要注意顺序   一般在英文介绍信里的求职者的姓名和性别包括年龄等等但是介绍自己的工作经历时就要注意,英文的介绍信的工作经历的排序要跟中国版恰好是相反的,所以一定要按照到徐的方式来写自己的工作经验。求职者一定要从自己的最高学历和最近的工作讲起,还有在介绍自己时一定要禁忌用i头。一般情况都要用动词头。   二,英语的介绍信一定要注意分清楚状态   在我们平时的英语学习中也学过英语的进行时,现在时,过去时,将来时的,所以在你填写英语的简历时也要注意运用好这些时态,以免看介绍信的人误解了你的情况,比如已毕业的就要用过去时,还没有离职在职的话就要用在职的形式。   三,要分清楚介绍信的写作技能   一般在填写你自己的个人能力方面也要按照到徐的顺序来进行排列,可以从目前的工作岗位将其,你积累的一些工作经验,但是在介绍时一定介绍清楚自己之前公司的名称和职位包括技能等等,这样也方便面试官去进行调查,你有哪种优势的话可以尽量的下的详细一点,弥补掉你不太擅长的一面。还有就是要列明自己曾经所获得的奖项等等。   以上就是关于英文的介绍信你要注意的事项,千万不要跟中文的介绍信弄混淆了哦。
2014-01-08 278阅读
When writing an English introduction letter, there are several common mistakes to watch out for. First, it is important to follow the correct order of information. While Chinese introduction letters may start with basic personal information like name, gender, and age, an English introduction letter should prioritize educational and work experience, starting with the most recent and highest level of education and moving on to work experience. It is also important to avoid using "I" as much as possible and instead use verbs to describe actions.

Second, it is essential to use correct tenses and ensure that the letter accurately reflects your current status. Use past tense for previous work or education experiences that have ended, and present tense for current employment or educational pursuits.

Finally, be sure to highlight your skills and achievements clearly and in the correct order. Include details about previous companies, positions, and skills learned and be transparent about any awards or accolades received. By following these guidelines, you can create a polished and effective English introduction letter that showcases your strengths and attributes.