When writing an English introduction letter, there are several common mistakes to watch out for. First, it is important to follow the correct order of information. While Chinese introduction letters may start with basic personal information like name, gender, and age, an English introduction letter should prioritize educational and work experience, starting with the most recent and highest level of education and moving on to work experience. It is also important to avoid using "I" as much as possible and instead use verbs to describe actions.
Second, it is essential to use correct tenses and ensure that the letter accurately reflects your current status. Use past tense for previous work or education experiences that have ended, and present tense for current employment or educational pursuits.
Finally, be sure to highlight your skills and achievements clearly and in the correct order. Include details about previous companies, positions, and skills learned and be transparent about any awards or accolades received. By following these guidelines, you can create a polished and effective English introduction letter that showcases your strengths and attributes.