英文邮件-看看俺的 幽默感如何?

跟你一个澳大利亚的、朋友有几年了。没有生意的往来, 就是单纯的朋友,他离过婚,现在又跟一个中国的女结婚了。。一直想下手他一点什么东西,但仿佛一直找到什么彼此都有兴趣的项目,朋友现在就是朋友, 很好的朋友。??PS。 他也不是生意人来的,以下是我的邮件分享。 极度散漫, 不知道幽默感怎么样,还请指正。。 正式的邮件是不会这样写的。 朋友邮件: Hiya Bruce, Been such a Longgg Time man, I know!!??My Life is a BIG MeSS Recently!!??Seriously miss you too man, but at the moment I got some Big issues affecting my Life... Like for example... I Gotta find a New Place to Live!!??First we was Looking around to Buy a House, but in just 4 weeks Looking we Couldn't find Anything suitable within our financial Budget!! Wish I was Rich enough not to Care but at Least I do it all by myself without anybody's Help...??You know those Housemates living with us????Their RICH Mother Lend them 80,000aud to Help Start their Home Ownership!!!??I was so Jealous Man, I think to myself that time!! "where is my Rich Mom to help me?? huh?"? ?We also he a big falling out with our Housemates because they abuse our Rights for living "fairly & equally" Why you ask?? Answer because they Use 4 Xs Amount of Electricity, Water & Gas compared with "us"... Totally not fair, but we signed a Contract with them meaning Not sharing Bills...... So I guess we cheated ourselves... hmmm... Anyway, Every Day I check 1 or 2 properties for RENTAL...??It's depressing... Because you must show all I.D.s, Employer References, Previous Rental Receipts etc etc... then you gotta wait 4 or 5 days for some Good News or Bad News!!????Most 3 bedroom houses below $300aud per week are just "dumps" = Rubbish... but I still gotta se into Next year 2011... Man will you ever visit me in Australia one day????You gotta come in the Summer then we can go Fishing Man!! I'll shout you all the Beers too buddy...??You see I miss you too man...??But soon my Baby's coming into the World...it's gonna be a Boy!!.. After I settle down into New Family Life, then I'm trying to come back to Yichang Late 2011... or Better SPRING Festival... Man I never Experience that Bro!!...??I wish you will one day he a Nice Big HOTPOT & Tsingdao with me ok... Oh yeah I share another story... My Mom & my sis are hing a WAR with each other... Life sucks!!??So I support my Mom, but Lost my sis because I hate her now days.... That's Life sometimes huh? hmmm.... Well I truly wish you sustenance and Good fortune, hope your Mom & Dad are doing fine too bro....??Sorry it's been too long, but I didn't really forget you buddy, Friends forever man no matter how far ok...??bye for now and take care Bruce... bye for now.. Hectic Life of Wayne.... 以下是俺的答复: Hey dude Hey man, there you are sorry??I was in rush yesterday .. I thought you he already bought a house or some thing, and you're paying it off ,now it seems not... but why ?? what the hell were you doing then >??/ And now dont' complain about your MOM.. we never complain our MOMS .. they give birth to us . and they are selfishless and MOMS are the greatest human beings in the Galaxy .... if all these??ETs ,martians and all other unknown creatures allow me to say so... com'n MY FRIEND , we are born this way, and we fight to survive .. these 80000 aud??guys , they never really know how money comes and they could lose it in a second . and what??they are doing is like buiding a skypecraper with crane with,??cement, with THESE STUPID??machinaries. But??what we are doing is like??building a pyramid??with our own hands, like in ancient time, or maybe we could get a horse or a cow with us, but that's all or I could put it this way: They are like Bush launching a continental missiles to Irap to rape Saddam. I doubt if he actually did that but likewise.. B-U-T what we are doing is like Genghis khan??getting??Europe On a pretty BIG Horse. I mean what we are doing is amazing. start to realize it??man !!! you've got to do that.. About the roomie thing ?
2013-11-14 2399阅读
Hiya Bruce,

Long time no see, my friend! I hope life is treating you better than it's treating me. I've been having some big issues lately, like trying to find a new place to live. We were looking to buy a house, but we couldn't find anything suitable on our budget. I wish I was rich enough not to care, but alas, I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me. And now our housemates are abusing our rights for living "fairly and equally," but we signed a contract with them meaning we're stuck with the bills. Talk about cheated!

Anyway, I've been looking for rental properties, but it's been pretty depressing. Most of the places available below $300 per week are dumps. But what can you do? Gotta keep looking forward, right?

Speaking of looking forward, when are you gonna come visit me in Australia? We could go fishing in the summer, and I'll even shout you all the beers, mate. I miss you, man. But soon, my new baby boy will be born, and I'll be settling into family life. Maybe I'll even come back to Yichang for Spring Festival. I've never experienced that before, and it sounds like a blast.

Take care, my friend. Keep in touch.

[Your Name]
  • tony3
    I don't know you are humorous or not, but one thing for sure, your English is quite good!!!
  • Stacey.Yu
    your reply is too longggggggggggggg
  • Lewis.Liu
    good for you....
  • Steven
    Thanks dude ,...

    But what makes you think that I am just showing off here ??

    I didnt' tell his Address or  Email address, or cellphone number, anything like that.

    All I wanted is to a make a little fun out of my dailywork,  it's kina boring you know.. sometimes., well, most of the time...

    and it feels really good if there is someone out there to listen, to share your feelings.

    we are not  Email-sending machine, after all.

    Anyway, I thank you for your suggestionm, seriously.
  • Paul17
  • Max.Xie
  • Stacey.Yu
    幽默感怎么样? dude, not impressed. just show offs. You know what the cool thing you could do?
    ---- keep your personal correspondences private. PS, I also wonder if you he the consent from your friend to disclose his personal mail. I wish you do man. He a good one.
  • liuxiao

    也许真的是 这样。。

    就 像是friends 的剧本

    关键 身临其境的感觉。前后一些逻辑,还有其他的一些历史东西 。


    good luck every one of you
  • Tony.Bac
  • 柳安

  • Eugene

    下面忒长, 不想看了。 估计只有你Dude 会看的。
    太长了。。。 再好的幽默感,也没兴致欣赏。
    不过,那个老外确实很搞(PS:我只看完了第一封 )
  • 张海峰
    哎。。伤心 随人懂啊
  • Stephen
