
Mr. Zhang Qiming

Our company sells various pneumatic tools and is very interested in the air nail gun and pneumatic grinding machine produced by your company. In the previous product promotion, your company made it clear that the aerogels produced by your company were not designed for nail clips, but I did not explain the requirements of the products in actual use space in detail in your product descriptions. Production of air nail guns and width of 27.5 cm, length of 36.5 cm, such as in the factory to use such a size range is appropriate, but in carpentry construction, especially in the laying of roofs, the actual use effect is relatively general, for your company's product width can be adjusted? I hope your company can give us an answer.

In addition, in your company's product description, it is clearly indicated that the number of nails that can be installed is 140. It is not clear what the weight of the products after processing and the actual parameters of the steel nails are required. I hope that in this respect, it can be clearly stated that the pneumatic grinder produced by your company also has the same problem as above. Our function for this type of product produced by your company is also mentioned. It is satisfactory, but the details are still not very clear and the same type of products in the market are more expensive, the company's product advantages have not been highlighted.

Square discount.





为什么说这种做法明显不妥呢?“The air nail gun produced by your company has a width of 27.5 centimeters and a length of 36.5 centimeters. It is appropriate to use such a size range in factories. However, in carpentry construction, especially when laying roofs of houses, the actual use effect is relatively general.” 从这里就可以看出实际问题所在,该公司对于这家外贸企业生产的产品是非常关心的,也有购物需求,但提出上述问题,其主要原因并不是说并不了解该种类型产品在实际使用范围方面的内容,要知道国内所生产的气钉枪产品早在1990年阶段就已经成为了欧美很多国家市场中的主导产品,不仅功能性强,而且价格低廉,因此相应配套的钢钉等消耗品在参数方面都是相似的,实际使用过程之中有很多厂家所生产的建筑施工材料也根据这一类型的特点进行了调整,因此在实际使用过程中几乎不会存在区域场地问题。该用户最关心的是什么问题呢?“But the details are still not very clear and the same type of products on the market are more expensive, the company's product advantages have not been highlighted.” 这才是该用户最为关心的话题,其用户希望能够降低产品价格。而从如上的信函来往中可以看到,该家外贸企业给出的价格必然已经是行业内的底线价格,所以说想要再次获得价格让利空间较难,因此这位外贸用户在信函中顾左右而言他。找到用户的切实需求,给予行之有效的回复,也就是在价格上和该外贸企业用户进行磋商,才能够助力这笔贸易达成。

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/22351


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