Dear Amazon,

Hello there.

Regarding the order 114-8508843-0204268, the following is our package shipping information.

1. 是否发出.

2. Date of shipment: 发出日期.

3. Carrier: 承运商.

4. Tracking Number:跟踪号

5. Query URL: 追踪网址. According to the latest logistics information, the package was delivered to [买家名] on 签收日期.

6. Proof of package receipt: 一个图片的链接,图片就是你的签收证明图片.

7. Our return policy is as follows:退货政策

8. return address:一个退货地址,一定是当地的

On December 6th, [你的店铺] received [买家名]’s order and shipped it on December 8th. It showed the order was delivered on December 30th. During the whole process [你的店铺名] did not receive any message form [买家名].But on Jan 10th, [你的店铺名] received a credit card chargeback claim for this order, [你的店铺名] contacted [买家名] at first time and [买家名] also admit “I am straightening it out. Very sorry for my mistake!”. All content can refer to our Amazon mail as evidence. So We thought that was a misunderstanding between us. But unfortunately [买家名] did not reply us and did not cancel the chargeback claim for this order.


[你的店铺名] felt helpless. [买家名] has signed for the package, and if the payment is refused for no reason, [你的店铺名] will still follow the plan in the email. If [买家名] wants to get a full refund, please return the product to the address of [你的店铺名] and provide a valid tracking number after returning the product. [你的店铺名] will refund the package after receiving the package. [你的店铺名] hope that the Amazon team will consider the current tense and difficult international logistics situation and make a fair and just judgment on this order. [你的店铺名] is willing to provide customers with the best service, but now we hope that Amazon can solve this problem for us. thanks for your help.

Best wishes,


原文来自邦阅网 ( -


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