Subject: Introducing Exciting New Products - Renewing Our Cooperation Opportunity
Dear [Client's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to you today to introduce some exciting new products that I believe may be of interest to you and your business.
As you may remember, we have had a successful working relationship in the past, and I value the partnership we have built. Recently, I noticed a lapse in our communication, and I wanted to take this opportunity to reconnect and discuss potential collaboration.
Our new product line features innovative designs, enhanced functionality, and competitive pricing. We have taken into consideration the feedback we received from customers like you, and have made significant improvements to meet market demands. I am confident that these products will not only meet your expectations but also exceed them.
I understand that circumstances change, and I respect any decisions you may have made. However, I believe that our continued partnership can bring mutual benefits and success. I genuinely value your feedback and insights, and I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how we can best serve your needs moving forward.
I have attached our latest product catalog for your review. Please feel free to reach out to me at your convenience to discuss any questions or requirements you may have. I look forward to the possibility of working together again.
客户突然不回信了,我想期间一定是出现了什么问题的,比如说可能他在货比三家,挑选价格合适,物美价廉的合作商呢,那就是你的报价他不太满意了,或者说是你的邮件太长篇大论了,附件超大,直接被过滤掉了,客户根本就没有收到你的邮件,对于这种情况的话,我想你还是最好给客户打个电话确认一下他是否有收到你的邮件。又或者说客户正在度假,没有查看邮件呢。各种情况都有可能存在的。还有你说的邮件的英文抬头,我觉得最好不要用Dear Sir or Dear Madam此类看似不太用心的称呼了,因为客户会觉得你太不专业了。
一般的话你给客户的开发信的标题都是把你的产品的优惠信息写上来,比如说我们写的这个标题“【Last chance】30% off Bedroom furniture”就是把这个产品的优惠信息第一时间告知了客户,如果我发的这个客户就是对我的这个产品正好感兴趣,近期也有采购的需求,那么你发的这个开发信的标题客户看了就会打开的,那同理,你的新产品想要推荐给客户的话,那么你的邮件标题就是和你的新产品有关系的关键词了,如果有优惠信息的话会更好的,具体效果你需要多写几个标题,看看那个标题的打开率比较高的。
this is a updated list with a couple new product
that we are confident you will be intertested in
是什么类型的产品 客户一般比较视觉 怎么把图片的好点重要
至于产品的说明是其次 客户有了兴趣他自然会问
不回你正好电话过去说 看了我邮件吗 产品的说明我呆会给
还不回再过两天再电话 产品的说明的邮件你看了吗?
再过两天,看了说明提提看法吧 you comment is important!