客户突然不回信了,我想期间一定是出现了什么问题的,比如说可能他在货比三家,挑选价格合适,物美价廉的合作商呢,那就是你的报价他不太满意了,或者说是你的邮件太长篇大论了,附件超大,直接被过滤掉了,客户根本就没有收到你的邮件,对于这种情况的话,我想你还是最好给客户打个电话确认一下他是否有收到你的邮件。又或者说客户正在度假,没有查看邮件呢。各种情况都有可能存在的。还有你说的邮件的英文抬头,我觉得最好不要用Dear Sir or Dear Madam此类看似不太用心的称呼了,因为客户会觉得你太不专业了。[收起]
We he sent the documents which L/C required to our bank last week, but later we found several discrepancies which not affect to receive the goods. Please contact your bank to accept the discrepancies. 1/ B/L. Two unnecessary words "SHIPPER PROVIDED" were added before EE, which is according to shipping company format, the same as last credit.[收起]