
这个难缠的客户,我服你了 真正意义上的从事外贸后,第一个碰到的时一个美国人。 以前的业务员走后,邮件和阿里巴巴都荒芜了,终于在一个月之后来了个锄草的人。 安装一个FOXMAIL 6.5,呼啦啦以前的邮件全都进来了,第一个回复的是一个美国人。询盘是4.1的,回复是4.7,中间因为很多地方说不清楚,弄不明白。凭着勇往直前的精神,一封邮件一封邮件的问。事情终于弄清楚,然后就是打样品的问题,客人同意付运费,我们样品免费。妈妈的,把我当猴耍啊,给你找最便宜的货代,你又账号你不给,我辛辛苦苦给你找,价钱给你说太少了,不在你们的日程内,有需要的时候再。样品都已经打好了,生出来的还在还能塞回去重新生啊。我忍了,越想越不服气,凭什么啊。不要样品早说清楚吗,给你打样了,你又张三李四王二麻子的。 终于忍不住了,气呼呼的一封邮件甩过去,凭啥呢。 然后回复了,说是要什么要什么,要求打样,打样可以,先把运费的事情说清楚。我心里想着你先把那个样品回家再说吧。发了封邮件给他 Hi , Hope you he a nice weekend and sorry to late reply I should he responsed??to you earlier , while I know send email to you at weekends and talk about the work is not courtesy. It is near 3 months after the first inquiry ,I am very glad we keep in touch with each other via email . I he received your item you are looking for sample . Frankly speaking , I am alway put your requirements at the first place , the picture box ,you know we made it special for you as soon as??you acknowledge you want it . I asked my superior and he agreed and we finished it at the end of the April and cousult??several of the freight agent for the chepest freight for you .? ?For ariety of reasons (may be the freight or others problems ), the sample was not send according to my expected time . I even thought what shall I do if the same problem comes again , the picture box still in our showroom and ownership is still up in the air . What about send the picture box to you first, then we talk about the item samples you are looking for ? stand in each other's??shoes , we can he a better understanding of each other . Looking forward your feedback. 发完后很解气啊,第二天一打邮箱,说是重新要的这几个样品可以放在以前的那个样品中,我的个老娘,真是牛人。我忍,给你报价过去,这个因为中间有一个要订五金的挂钩样品费30美金。然后回复说是自己要跟自己的teamwork商量,一商量就是老长时间。才始的相片盒子你商量了两个月不止,这个又准备商量到什么时候。得罪就得罪吧,我又追了一封邮件 He a nice day and sorry to trouble you . Could you give me a estimate time that we can arrange the sample for you ? it is just like a marathon , and the time to the enjding line is under your control...... Looking forward your early reply 后面客户说paypal支付,可是没有那玩意就说TT 或是西联,这下人家去出差了,说是回来后马上给打钱。到现在不知道是没有回来,还是怎么地,我也不想天天追问了,9月份来了咱在好好的跟踪。
2014-01-08 489阅读
arly reply on this matter.

Best regards,

