
翻译和校正了好几份协议和合同了,我不是专业人士,公司又不愿意付费用给专业的翻译公司,还是得硬着头皮把客户的资料翻译出来给领导们审核。又有2份协议,加起来30页! 以下是费了我好多脑细胞才翻译完的一小段,等各位拍砖指正!!(客户公司名称略去,红色句子不知道翻译得准不准) royalty and license fees. all prices quoted are inclusive of all royalty and licensing feesapplicable to the product and required for sale of the product in thedestination jurisdiction.??any and allcosts incurred by xx as a result of claims or allegations for sums due for thirdparty intellectual property licenses (whether or not such claims or allegationswere adjudicated) related to the product shall be deemed an indebtedness of themanufacturer to xx.??manufactureragrees that the prices quoted reflects and includes the total cost ofproduction and manufacturing or the product in conformance with manufacturer’srepresentations and warranties, including without limitation, the costs, feesand royalties necessary to secure all intellectual property rights from third partiesrelated to the products manufacture, import, marketing and/or sale in thedestination jurisdiction.??inthe event that a third party licensor ofintellectual property related to the products refuses to grant a license tomanufacturer, and will only consent to grant such license to xx the cost ofsuch license shall either be specifically excluded from the price at the timeof quoting such price to xx or an automatic price adjustment shall apply thatallows xx to deduct the cost of such license from the price invoiced bymanufacturer for the product.??in no event shall manufacturer notify in writing xx laterthan ninety (90) prior to first production of the product that a third partylicensor of intellectual property related to the products refuses to grant alicense to manufacturer, and will only consent to grant such license to xx, andmanufacturer shall fully cooperate with xx in obtaining such intellectualproperty license. 版税和许可费。? ?所有报价包括应用于此产品的和在目的地管辖范围销此产品的特许权使用费和许可费。因为该产品所引起的第三方对该产品知识产权许可的索赔和指控(无论这样的索赔或指控是否已经裁决),都应该由商来为xx承担由此产生的所有费用。厂商同意报价反映并包括生产和的总费用,或产品符合商的声明与保证,包括但不限于,成本,费用和必要特许权使用费来保护来自第三方的与产品生产,进口,在目的地管辖范围营销或/和销相关的知识产品。万一与此产品相关的知识产权第三方授权商拒绝授权给厂商,只同意将此许可授权给xx,这项许可的费用要么在给xx报价的时候从价格中明确地排除,要么应用一个自动价格调整,即允许xx从商发送的该产品的价格中将此授权费用扣除。如果关于此产品的知识产权的第三方授权人拒绝将此产品相关的许可权授权给厂商,并且只同意将此许可授权给xx,商在任何情况下都不能晚于第一次生产前90(天)书面通知xx,并且厂商应该全力配合xx来获得此知识产品许可证。
2013-12-07 382阅读