
我们已经及时回复了家询盘,但似乎总是“石沉大海”:相信 这是众多外贸人员常遇到的状况。这是为什么呢?是邮件内容太多无针对性?内容太少家没兴趣?还是我们的英语水平需要再提高?客观言说:以上揣测都可能会 影响到但只是片面的影响,当下电子商务运用日渐广泛深入,家通过给出的平台寻找感兴趣的中国商时,往往不会只针对一家厂商发送询盘,如何才能积极跟 进初次询盘促成订单,让我们在完成初步的询盘筛选后一同来关注询盘跟进技巧. 一、询盘为泛问所有产品 内容大多如下: we are interested in all your products, could you please send us more information and samples about your products and price list? 回复可参考如下: dear sir/ madam, thanks for your inquiry at rd=/r/r_okg. we are professional supplier for xx(产品名) at competitive price, located in xx(公司地址). by now our products he been exported to xx(出口国别或地区). here is the attachment with some pictures & price of our products that may suit your market requirements. also you’re welcome to check our website(xxx) for more details and select your interested products. we’re sincerely looking forward to developing business with you, if any comments, we would be glad to discuss in details through msn:xxx mails or any way you like. (附件内容可挑选一些公司主打产品或通过搜索初略客户市场需求后可推荐的产品类型) 泛泛时,往往真实购意图一般,除非其正好需要/感兴趣您现在的产品或您挑选出的主打产品。对能给予继续回复的家应继续重点追踪,未回复的家可在转 发首次回复邮件基础上询问家是否有悉x月x日的回复。 二、询盘为针对公司具体产品发的询价 此类询盘价目标性较强,真实有效性较高,需重点跟进。倘若已据询盘内容出了具体回复,并报了价格,但家没有再回邮件,可发以下邮件提醒: dear sir/ madam, several days no news from you and sincerely may all go well. now i am writing for reminding you about our offer for xxx(品名) dated on xxx as reply to your inquiry from rd=/r/r_okg he you got (or checked) the prices or not? any comments by return will be much appreciated. it will be our big pleasure if we he opportunities to be on service of you in near future. looking forward to your prompt response. (最好把第一次发给客户的邮件内容和客户最初的询盘附在邮件下方以提醒家。简便方法:可直接转发第一封回复邮件。件人写明家的email.) 若过段时间,家还是没有回复邮件,建议可再发如下类似邮件再次追踪: dear sir/ madam, how are you? hope everything is ok with you all along. now i am emailing you to keep in touch for further business. if any new inquiry, you’re welcome to reach us here and i will try my best to satisfy you well with competitive price as request. by the way, how about your order (or business) with item xxx? if still pending, i would like to offer our latest price to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other. 如果连续三封邮件发出去之后家仍然无动于衷,基本证明家可能对您产品/价格不感兴趣或者由于其他原因暂时不需要您的产品,可暂时搁置,将时间用在继续寻 找新的目标客户上。 当然也有很多非常好的家会被您的毅力感动,回复告诉您一些关于产品进展的情况。我们千万不可急于求成,应仔细分析家客户的提示有针对性得去保持追踪。 以下为几种经常到的家回复: 1.客户到跟进邮件后,如暂时对的产品无需求的话,他/她一般都会说以后,说明以后还是有机会的,这个时候一定要有耐心: dear, i’m doing fine, thanks for your information. i’m still in the planning of building my new office, due to the work constrain i decided to delay it first. anyway i will contact you once i decided. thanks! 2.邮件的人不是公司决策者 dear, thank you! i received your email and i sent it to our outsourcing manager. he didn’t tell me anything just now. i will contact you soon once got any news. 3.告诉您不及时回复邮件的原因 dear, i receive more than 10 offers every day and it will take me some times to look into each and every offers. i will contact you in the future if you are in our selection of companies. many thanks for your co-operation. 跟进技巧:这类客户建议可通过发新产品介绍或者新报价的方式来保持,相信时间久了成为您客户的能性还是比较大的。至少让家对您留有印象,即使暂时不 需要您的产品,日后有需要的时候也会首先可想到您。 4.可能暂时不需要您的产品,但会问其他产品或者详细一些与产品相关的问题,如: dear, sorry for delay in my reply. i he been so busy searching through all the mails, concerning the item of xx(产品). may i ask you, where you purchase xxx(可能是产品相关行业的其他产品或产品的材料部件). currently we’re interested in this subject. in the coming days, i will reply concerning some samples. 跟进技巧:这样的客户就要根据公司的实际情况来回复了,建议不管能否帮得上忙都能给些回复和建议,暂时不能成为客户也可以先朋友嘛,至少他问的是与您产 品相关的问题,中国有句俗话“多个朋友多条财路”,特别是生意上的朋友! 5.想借机刺探军情的 dear, sorry for the late reply. i will get back with you later. i am very busy at the moment. if you he us customer as reference, that would help a
2013-10-09 781阅读
our product? any progress or need further information? please feel free to contact us at any time if there is anything we can do for you.
looking forward to your prompt response.
  • Shirley14
  • Azza
  • Emil4