
-? ? ? ? full set pil obl surrendered and consignee to take delivery without presentation of bill of lading but against telex release instruction??(这句啥意思) to:? ?the owners and/or agents and/or charterers and /or master of m.v. “? ???“ bill of lading number: we hereby surrender full set (3/3) pil obl in concurrence for you to arrange this shipment to be released against telex release instruction at port of discharge? ?? ? .??we also confirmed receipt of full payment of cargo value (usd.00 ) from cargo receiver and agree to release cargo to 客户 against the telex release instruction (tri) without presentation of any document. (还有最后这句) 我们盖章后会有风险吗?
2013-08-09 1719阅读
The sentence "full set pil obl surrendered and consignee to take delivery without presentation of bill of lading but against telex release instruction" means that the consignee will be able to take delivery of the goods without presenting the bill of lading, but instead will be required to present a telex release instruction.

The letter is addressed to the owners and/or agents and/or charterers and /or master of the vessel named "???" and refers to the surrender of a full set (3/3) of bill of lading documents in exchange for a telex release instruction at the port of discharge.

The final sentence "我们盖章后会有风险吗?" means "Will there be any risks after we stamp our seal (or signature)?" Signing or stamping a seal on the documents indicates acceptance of the terms and conditions, so it's important to carefully review and understand the contents of the documents before doing so. It's recommended to seek legal advice if there are any concerns or uncertainties.
  • chilyzhang
    TELEX RELEASE INSTRUCTION   这个就是表示电放的哦,意思是客户只要有这个电放标识的提单就可以提货咯!不需要提交任何的文件证明,这种法适用于预付款哦,到钱之后这个就没所谓了,要是没钱就另当别论了  你们盖章了就表示你们已经从货人那到了货款 同意此票货物电放给客户