My Zone, My Little World

hey guys, welcome to my first post as a green hand, i’m just graduated this year, major in business english. what i want to say is that i really love foreign trade, maybe because many relatives are doing business, though is domestic, and my cousin sister is doing foreign trade sales pretty well. considering that there won’t many things in the senior year, i came out at the first term. arrived in gd after a long journey. one week later, i worked as a foreign trade merchandiser in a big furniture company. then begin my foreign trade life… (omg, it’s really hard for me to write something.) 可以不爱,请勿伤害~ p.s. i thought everyone know what’s “omg”, let alone foreigners. but one time i talked with an indian, he asked me what omg is. oh my god~~~ to be continued.
2013-06-26 2304阅读
Hi there! It's great to hear that you have a passion for foreign trade and have recently started your career in that field. Being surrounded by family members involved in business can definitely be a motivating factor.

It's common to face challenges when starting out, but with time and experience, you will gain confidence and find your rhythm. Writing may not come easily to everyone, but don't worry, it gets better with practice. Don't be too hard on yourself, and remember to stay positive!

As for the abbreviation "OMG," while it is widely used among English speakers, not everyone may be familiar with it, especially those from different cultural backgrounds. It's always interesting to learn about these variations and differences in language usage.

I'm glad to hear that you will continue sharing your experiences. If you have any specific questions or concerns related to foreign trade, feel free to ask!
  • John.Park
    Actually I want to show ery beautiful picture.
    But authority is limited.
    What a pity.
  • li7
      "i", 我的,强烈的归属感

      "pad"名词有“垫子”的意思。比如说我们平时用的“鼠标垫”就是"mouse pad",所以"pad"给人的感觉就是非常非常的薄。除了“垫子”以外,"pad"还有“便签”的意思,所以“笔记本电脑”除了我们熟知的"Notebook"以外,还可以说成"Notepad"。综上所述,"pad"给人的感觉就是很薄很薄的笔记本电脑。因此,所谓的"iPad"给人的感觉就是——这就是我心目中的iPad!我的超薄电脑!


    Do you know this before reading these words
  • Monica9
    Hello xiaoqi, nice to see you

    Before the Fair, more excited, less nervous. Hing the chance to attend the Fair is so exciting; the chance also means you he the capability to do well.

    After the Fair, totally tired. It’s really tired, especially with high-heel shoes.

    Just enjoy the show. You will gain so many~
  • 林真真
    Dear, my name is Seven too. And I will attend HK Fair 12th this month. So excited, but more is nervous. So could u tell me what's ur feeling before and after the fair?
  • James4
    展会上接待了许多foreigners ,让我一直记得的是一位Saudi Arabia的“大叔”。(沙特的家具需求量特别大)

    从见面名片就聊的比较多,看了很多产品,一直让我write down一些感兴趣的产品型号,还坐下来谈了一会,他还在我的notebook写了自己的邮箱,说之后一定要发detailed information给他,温馨以至感动到我的来了,他说:Your name is SEVEN, in Arabic it’s this. 他在我的notebook上写了阿拉伯文的7。


    可惜我后来把他的名片弄丢了!(  实在该打!!!)可惜我后来离了公司!
  • vivian.zhao
    我们展位旁边某家弄了bikini彩绘 ,MM们清凉上阵,吸引了N多的银围观呐!这个时候是不分国界!不分肤色!不分年龄!不分男女滴!!!

    我是到展会第二天才知道的 ,哎~我是有多敬业啊!(后来我也跑去瞅了几眼 ,啧啧了几声后就D调地回来干活了)

    就是在第二天碰到了个“矮个”色鬼 ,大概是Middle East那片儿的,尼玛,见面就拿出手机上拍的bikini彩绘给我看,还叽里呱啦啥bikini, money, pay to girl, night之类的,好吧,我反应比较慢,还没想太多,突然manager在离我几米远的地方指着那色鬼很气愤地说:"WE WILL NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH YOU!” (说的漂亮 )

    OMG ,大概整明白了这鬼不是啥好货!我闪~我闪~~闪~~~在人群中穿梭了几下就摆脱了那色鬼。平安无事
  • cindy19
    Sometimes I DO think I'm a little lucky~

    Work in this field, you will he the chance to attend Fair, domestic and abroad.
  • dsjfdh
    My first post, first reply,tks
  • 顾敏强
    Really envy you he such a good chance to attend the Canton fair, I donot even get the opportunity to attention a tiny fair!
  • Jamie
    Eh, you know, 第一天的展会就跟菜市场似的,人多而杂,嗓门大大小小,“香味”各异。有些老外拖着个行李箱牛哄哄D走的老快的了,搞的跟走秀似的(长得帅的 我还可以原谅下~),我就碰到好几个。

    记得有个是“灰洲”buddy,高高个,看到他走进我们的展位,我就立马跟上去,好不容易了名片,打算继续交流下,这厮拖着他的行李箱就一直前进着,他走的快、人又多,我就像竞走似的跟在后面(丫的,就你腿长,就你牛,就你不懂礼貌 ),走到我们展位出口的时候我终于重见光明、站到了他的旁边,发现前方几个同事大笑不止 ……

    目送完这厮背影离后就去问同事为啥那么心,他们说:我们在打赌你在不在这厮的后面~~~ 好吧,阿拉体积娇小,往那“灰洲”buddy后面一站,您就甭想看见阿拉 ~
  • Alok.K..Gupta
    You MUST prepare well (personal experience, nothing special):

    1. Know your company and products well, and then you can CONFIDENTLY introduce your company history and capability, product function and feature etc.
    (上战场的前俩天恶补了下公司简介 )

    2. Give the price quickly, as you know so many clients ask the price. He just need to point, we need to tell the price. (Maybe some guys just want to know the price.)

    3. Don’t forget to take some tools: catalog/CD, notebook, pen, stapler, business card or
  • M.Saleheen
    This was the first time I attended Canton Fair.
    We all dressed formally. There were so many people, especially the first day. Some colleagues were responsible for the domestic clients, we were for foreigner.
    Communicating with people from different countries, I was really very happy and exciting. It’s good for us to learn, understand, experience…
    What I know deeply from the Fair is that I AM NOT PROFESSIONAL enough as I’m a 3-month green hand. Just one day before the Fair, we get the file
  • Matthew.Shields
    Oh. I see.
  • Joseph4
    Penny: What's AFK?
    Sheldon: [into his headset] AFK. [to Penny] "Away From Keyboard"
    Penny: "O.I.C."
    Sheldon: What does that stand for?
    Penny: Oh. I see.
    Sheldon: Yes, but what does it stand for?