Eva有一个越南客户Anthony. 已经成交2个大单,上个月提及还有一个新的工程单要进展。在安排第二次出运的时候,Anthony换了货代,并且要求所有货物都要更换唛头,贴上带有MADE IN CHINA唛头。
因为忙碌,Eva没有把关到位。很多货物都是贴着原先的唛头就出运了。出口越南需要FORM E原产地证,里面要求唛头必须显示MADE IN CHINA 标志,导致客户清关的时候出了问题,差点提不到货。最后是掏了两百多万越南盾(折合人民币6000多),货物才放行。
1 Eva跟单疏忽出现的唛头漏贴情况。中间又有半个月没联系。错过澄清的最佳时机。
2 她的关注点不对。目前在于安抚客户,而非催紧下一个新订单。这个客户合作过2次,产品质量和价格已经不是问题,突出重心能留住客户的是服务。
Dear Anthony,Hope this email find you well.Really sorry for the mistake of the shipping mark and the additional cost on customs declaration.I made the shipping mark but it was put on incorrectly because I missed to check again. I promise to check all the details carefully for you in the future.And I am willing to make up for the half of the additional cost personally if you do not mind.Please do not refer to XXX (Boss), as he should not pay for it.Is everything about the products of the last order ok?
Any questions, please feel free to contact me.
01 她选择帮客户承担一半的赔偿金ok. 但是要以公司的名义,不然在客户看来有自作主张越级的嫌疑。给老板知道了也不好,即便与老板商量后的决定,也要以公司名义去和客户协商。02 解释的原因不够说服力。解释的方向可以往外出不在,参加展会,监管不够这些方面去。03 最后一段话目的性很强,给人感觉前面的内容只是在铺垫。
Dear Anthony,Hope this email finds you well.Really sorry for the mistake of the shipping mark and the additional cost on customs declaration.I made the shipping mark but it was put on incorrectly because I was on business trip those days and I missed to check again. Sincerely sorry about this situation. I promise to check all the details carefully for you in the future.And after the meeting with (Boss) +(Sales manager), I am willing to make up for the half of the additional cost personally if you do not mind.Sincerely yours,Eva
Dear Anthony,Hope this email finds you well.We had internal discussion on the clearance issues caused in the previous shipment. 我们对于最近一次出运引起的清关问题事件进行了内部讨论。这句话代表出公司对此事的重视。The lack of supervision from our side leads to the oversight, which brought you the BIG trouble on the custom clearance. Please accept our apology. 监管的不到位导致到这个疏忽的出现,并且给你在清关中带来很大的麻烦,请在此接受我们的道歉。这里突出BIG也是表明你们有通过反思,很认真看待这个问题。You are our valued customer. We've decided that we will cover half of the additional cost you paid during the clearance process. And you can deduct it from the next order. 引出重点,你是我们的VIP客户。我们达成协议,承担你在清关过程中一半的罚金。费用将在下一次订单抵扣。这段话一箭双雕,既安抚客户,又可以引出客户下单的信心。Expecting your further comments soon.
Best Regards,
好,到此,案例中的FORM E给小白科普下:
CO 全称为CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN 是世界范围内通用的原产地证。属于一般原产地证。
比如FORM A是欧盟等国专属原产地证,例如挪威,FORM F是针对智利国家,FORM P 是对印度和斯里兰卡,FTA是对巴基斯坦。
而案例中出现的FORM E是针对东盟国家,包括,柬埔寨,印尼,老挝,越南,马来西亚,缅甸,菲律宾,新加坡,泰国这十个国家的。