看看外国人是怎样分辨骗子的 同时我们要提高一些我们所欠缺的

That is "The Steel Suppliers Guide′s," most FAQ I he been in the scrap metal trade business for 8 years and the same question is often posed to me. "Are there any real international trade brokers in the world today?" Or, is it actually possible, they are all involved in a much larger business…scamming the money out of our wallets. If you are new to the scrap metal trade business, then here is a great piece of information to take home with you tonight. Read it twice, it will se you a lot of time, money, and heartache. "3 Categories" 1. An honest and professional trader, scanning through the same trade sites you are, can tell if there is a new kid on the block, so to speak. He or she may be a great person, but they do not he the time or energy to train you how to engage in the scrap metal business properly. 2. There is also the person somewhere between the two absolute truths, that is relatively new to the business and is either self-taught or is being coached by the person in the next paragraph or by someone in that persons circle. They themselves are also unaware of what they′re involvement. All of these people are innocent victims and are unintentionally involved. 3. In addition, a professional scammer can tell when there is a new kid on the block and he or she is going to be more willing to teach you how to go down a path you do not want to go. This is all going to happen without you even knowing. You will work your tail off for 8-10 months to try to put a scrap metal trade deal together, and if by some miracle you actually do, you will never ever get a dime. If you are lucky when you are done, you will not he lost your home, your car, and your family chasing after someone else′s fame and fortune. You will not be the first and you will never be the last. However, if you happen to be one of the lucky ones that receive a revelation reading a website like this one, then you can at least break the circle you are in and get on the right track. What is that track? It will take more time and more pages than this one to get you there. That is why I created the steel supplier′s guide. It is where you can come and ask questions, get answers, and never worry if I am going to take your money or lead you in a direction you do not want to go, because we do not engage in international trade business on this particular site. If You Are Off Track, Let's Get Back On." There are so many honest to goodness entrepreneurs trying to break into the scrap metal trade business. They find their way to the computer and all of a sudden run across an opportunity of a lifetime that will solve all the current problems they face. Your nightmare is a scammer′s dream come true. However, it doesn′t he to be that way. You can do it; it just has to be done correctly. I can guide you as to how. There is a saying that I live by and you should learn to live by also, no matter what you choose to do in your life, "Make educated decisions based on educated thoughts." No matter who you are and what you do, do not allow emotion to make your decisions for you. Use logical reasoning in all that you do even if it hurts at the time. If it is emotional and not logical, you can be sure it was not the right decision to make. Let us know what you are thinking. Maybe even share a story, good or bad.
2013-05-19 610阅读

1. 了解行业:熟悉和了解所从事的行业,对市场价格、交易流程等有一定的了解和认知,可以帮助你分辨出一些不真实的交易。在了解行业的同时,也可以接触到一些老练的交易者,从他们身上学习经验和技巧。

2. 网站和平台信誉:在进行国际贸易时,经常会使用各种交易网站和平台。在选择合作对象之前,可以先了解一下这些网站和平台的信誉和口碑。可以查看其他用户的评价和评级,了解是否有人被骗或者遇到过问题。

3. 验证身份和公司资质:在与潜在合作伙伴接触之前,一定要先验证其身份和公司资质。可以要求对方提供相关证件和资料,如营业执照、注册证明等。可以通过合法渠道查询相关信息,确保对方的身份和资质是真实可信的。

4. 交流和沟通:在交流和沟通的过程中,通过对方的回答和表现来判断其专业程度和真实性。骗子通常会回避一些具体的问题,或者给出含糊不清的答案。与诚实的交易者相比,他们在交流中常常表现出不真实和不专业的特征。

5. 小心预付款:在进行国际贸易时,常常需要进行预付款。但是要小心谨慎,在付款前一定要核实对方的信誉和可靠性。可以要求使用第三方支付平台,如支付宝、银行托管等,以确保资金的安全。


1. 不断学习:了解国际贸易的最新动态和相关政策,学习新的贸易技巧和知识,保持更新。

2. 建立信誉:通过与合作伙伴建立良好的合作关系,提供优质的产品和服务,积累口碑和信誉。

3. 注意保护个人信息:在与其他人交流和合作时,注意保护个人信息和隐私,避免被他人利用和滥用。

4. 建立合理的交易程序:建立一套合理的交易程序和流程,包括验货、结算、物流等,以确保交易的顺利进行。

  • Zhangxin
  • 沈若雪