
记录一次完整的谈判,除了客户的信息,产品的信息稍作屏蔽,其他的都是原文,这个单子是去年的一个单子,觉得很经典的一个过程,所以拿出来! 经典不是说我的谈判多么强大,而是能遇到的问题都遇到了,解决的也比较顺利,并不是这些话术能解决所有问题,但是至少证明还会有效的! @@@@这个客户是我发发信上的,第一封发信如下: 标题:manufacturer of ** from china dear **, morning! this is eason from shandong jac industry co,.ltd.we are the professional manufacture of **in china for about 10 years. now we are exporting our **to abc company in your country. i know you are producing ** using our **. raw material in low price makes your own products more competitive in your market waiting for your email for further discussion. best regards eason @@@@客户回复 dear eason, please notice your best rate cif to port **. also enclose your coa and package picture with your offer best regards 落款 @@@@我的邮件 dear **, very glad to get your reply.i believe we he chance to cooperate. to comply with your request,i would like to give you an offer as follows: price: package: payment: period of validity: period of shipment: please refer to the attachment to get the coa and pictures of package. looking forward to your early reply for further discussion. by the way,i he checked your website.there is something wrong with the page:*******.it is wrong program.your customer cant lee a message here.maybe because of this you he lost some customers(我去查看了他的网站仔细研究,网站上不能直接看到邮箱,有一个留言框,但是留言点击确定就出错,发送不了,提醒了他一下!) best regards 报价需全面,专业,如何写一封好的报价,请看博客。 @@@@客户回复 dear eason, thanks a lot for your warm reminder.we never reallized this problem before.i will tell my webmaster to correct it. thanks again. i will check your price and your coa.later will return back to you best regards @@@@我的邮件 dear **, await for your confirmation best regard @@@@客户一直没回复,我的价格有效期是七个工作日,于是在第五天,我给客户去了一封邮件: dear ** this is eason from shandong jac. we discussed the chance to cooprate about ** 5 days ago. but i he not got any notice from you. he you placed the order to purchase***? best regards @@@@客户依旧没回复,三天后,又追了一封邮件; dear **, this is eason who are seeking a chance to cooperate with you about **. maybe you he placed the order now. if yes,could you be so kind to tell me why you chose other business partner we are really serious to every customer.if you can tell me our disadvange,we will try our best to adjust to comply with you. best regards @@@@应该是这封邮件起了作用,客户很快回复了,如果这份更客户还不会,只能转入跟踪了,跟踪客户的方法,请看我博客 dear eason, yes,we he placed the order to our regular supplier. compared with their price,your price is in the high rate. but i remmber you,you helped me.i will keep in touch with you.15 days later,we will restart our new order discussion.and i will notice you. best regards 这次回信,对方了他的私人电话号码。客户已经下单,但是化工品属于经常采购,他是工厂,需要原材料生产,等待15天以后的重启谈判。 @@@@11天以后,客户的邮件来了。 dear eason, please offer your best/lowest price cif to ***. as you know ,we are now buying **from rrr company .if your price is not competitive at all.we still he no chance to do business. early reply is appreciated. best regards @@@@我的回复,重新的合算了报价,拿出来非常有吸引力的报价组合,例如我心目中的价格是1000usd,我报给他1020usd。 dear **, i he reported your requst to my general manger and got ery competitive price. 1020usd/mt,payment lc at sight. if you he anything not satisfied with my offer,please dont hesitate to notice me. best regards eason @@@@这次价格应该是在客户的接心理范围内,只过了十分钟,客户就回复了! dear eason, our target price is 990usd/mt.please reconsid
2013-05-16 752阅读
eason from shandong jac.

i have not received any news from you about the cooperation on **.

he you made a decision whether to purchase **?

please let me know your intention as soon as possible.

best regards

  • jeaken
  • 王军
  • Ashley.Wong
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