DEMCO butterfly valves equiv.

NEC Wafer/lug butterfly valves (Pinless)? ?[attach]108064[/attach]? ? [attach]108065[/attach] Suitable for ASME CLASS150 flange Standard: API609, API598 Sizes ailable: 2" - 12" Features: Long neck , bi-direction sealing, integral flange seal, pinless disc, one-piece body, blowout proof stem,10-position locking handle/ gear operated NED Wafer Butterfly Valves (Pinless)[attach]108066[/attach] Suitable for ASME CLASS 125/150 flange Standard: API609, API598 Sizes ailable: 2" - 12" Features: Short neck , bi-direction sealing, integral flange seal, pinless disc, one-piece notched body, blowout proof stem,10-position locking handle/ gear operated Body:Epoxy coated ductile Iron, carbon steel, stainless steel Discuctile iron nickel plated, aluminum bronze,??304SS, 316SS Stem:416SS, 316SS, Monel Seat: NBR, EPDM, Viton,??Hypalon Chemical and petrochemical Oil and gas drilling and production Water and waste water Marine and government Power Agriculture Mining and materials Dry bulk handling
2014-06-03 402阅读
These two types of butterfly valves you mentioned are equivalent to DEMCO butterfly valves. They are NEC Wafer/lug butterfly valves (pinless) and NED Wafer Butterfly Valves (Pinless). Both types of valves are suitable for ASME CLASS150/125 flanges, and they comply with API609 and API598 standards. They are available in sizes ranging from 2" to 12" and have features such as long/short neck design, bi-directional sealing, integral flange seal, pinless disc, one-piece body, blowout proof stem, and 10-position locking handle/gear operated. These valves can be made from materials such as epoxy-coated ductile iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, disc material options can be ductile iron nickel plated, aluminum bronze, 304SS, 316SS, stem options can be 416SS, 316SS, Monel, and seat materials available are NBR, EPDM, Viton, Hypalon. They are suitable for various industries such as chemical and petrochemical, oil and gas drilling and production, water and wastewater, marine and government, power, agriculture, mining and materials, and dry bulk handling.
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