
我有个客户, 去年下过单子的,量还可以,最近刚给我发了一封这个邮件,不知道该怎么,求各位大神多多指教(去年他们也发过,不过我用第一次为合作为理由委婉拒绝了)。 这是客户群发的,貌似给所有商都发了,这种情况该怎么啊 Greetings, Mutt King Distributing is proud to announce the opening of our next two new stores in 2014.??We plan to open a total of 5 stores in the first half of 2014 and 4 in the second half of 2014 for a total of 9 new stores this year! With the help of our valued partners, Mutt King Distributing has experienced significant growth over the past twelve years.??Our total number of stores is now at seventy three!??The past support that you, our valued partners, he shown in free product and freight, has allowed both your company and ours to continue a strong growth rate.??Your support for growth has been, and will continue to be, greatly appreciated by Rural King. We are again asking for the support of all our partners in the initial stocking these new locations.??To make this store successful, like those in the past, we are asking for free product to set the store and free freight on all opening orders.??This may seem like a lot to ask for, but with each new location you will see growth in reorders over the coming months and years.??If for some reason you cannot see the importance of supporting new store growth and are not able to come to an agreement on the new store terms, we ask that you contact the buyer of your product so they can consider alternatives. In an effort to provide our customers with even better prices we he changed the process of our new store openings.??From the date we get the keys to the building to the date we open the doors we will only he a few weeks to get everything accomplished.??It is critical that your orders are shipped 100% complete and on time, and that product is set and ready to go as scheduled.? ?Below I he outlined key dates and the address of each store.??Please be sure to follow all Purchase Order ship dates. Merchandise cannot be received prior to the dates noted. #72 Lake Wales, FL? ? EIN 62-1864985 1970 State Road 60 East Lake Wales, FL? ?33853 Apparel, Footwear, Accessories June 9-15? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Softlines BASIC product arrives June 16-22? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?Softlines Product??Set July 18th? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?New Fall Seasonal product must arrive in store by this date All other Product June 16-22? ?? ?? ?? ???Vendor set Product must arrive during this Week June 23-29? ?? ?? ?? ???Vendor's set product this Week (VENDOR WEEK) June 23- July 18? ???All other direct ship merchandise must ship to arrive during this period July 21? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?Soft Opening August 3-9? ?? ?? ? GRAND OPENING #73 Connellsville, PA??EIN 62-1864985 1952 University Drive Connellsville, PA??15425 Apparel, Footwear, Accessories June 23-29? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?Softlines BASIC product arrives July 7-13? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? Softlines Product??Set Aug 1st? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? New Fall Seasonal product must ship to arrive in store by this date All other Product July 7-13? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?Vendor set Product must arrive during this Week July 14-20? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?Vendor's set product this Week (VENDOR WEEK) July 9-Aug 1? ?? ?? ?? ?All other direct ship merchandise must ship to arrive during this period August 4? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?Soft Opening August 17-23? ?? ?? ?GRAND OPENING
2014-05-15 565阅读