Transferable LC proceeding

Hi Experts, How are you ? I he a latest question, the background is that i he a potential deal. The cusotmer wants to do deferred payment of LC and he is not aware that i am actually working as middle person, while i am on behalf of one supplier. So do i need to ask for the permission of customer for doing Transferable LC in my own for when it's not necessory to do so, supposing i am ineed working with the supplier as the customer think now ? PS, i he my own offshore bank account. Is this doable ? Waiting for you
2014-04-17 479阅读

Regarding your question about Transferable LC proceeding, it is important to note that transferable LCs are mainly used in cases where a middleman or intermediary is involved in the transaction. If your customer is not aware that you are acting as a middleman, you should disclose this information to them in a transparent manner and ask for their permission to use a transferable LC.

It is also important to note that transferable LCs have certain requirements that need to be met, such as obtaining the necessary authorization from the issuing bank, specifying the exact amount to be transferred, and providing detailed information about the second beneficiary.

Before proceeding with the transferable LC, it is advisable to consult with a banking expert or an international trade lawyer to ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met.

Regarding your offshore bank account, using it for a transferable LC transaction may be possible, but it is important to ensure that the account and the transaction comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
  • Ada2