泰山石膏出口石膏板天花板龙骨 gypsum board ceiling tile

泰山石膏股份有限公司是全球最大的纸面石膏板生产企业,年生产能力12亿平方米,石膏板护面纸30万吨,轻钢龙骨2万吨,装饰石膏板400万平方米。公司拥有资产50亿元,30多个(分)公司。系山东省诚信纳税企业、 AAA 级银行信用企业、山东省质量管理先进企业、山东省高新技术企业、省资源综合利用示范企业、省环境保护优秀企业、山东省消费者满意单位、山东省守合同重信誉单位省节能工作先进单位及国家高新技术企业。品质信心源于品牌 我公司是全球最大的纸面石膏板生产企业,下设32家分公司,合理分布在全国各地。纸面石膏板年生产能力12亿平方米,产品已通过ISO9001、ISO14001和SGS体系认证,并通过美国ASTM标准,英国UKAS认证,获得绿色建材证书,所生产的泰山牌系列产品被评为“中国名牌”,“中国驰名商标”,公司拥有进出口贸易自营权,是国家免检产品。 泰山系列纸面石膏板: ◇泰山系列纸面石膏板是以建筑石膏为主要原料,掺入纤维和适当的添加剂制成板芯,与特制的专用护面纸龙骨粘接而成的一种新型建筑用板材。 ◇泰山系列纸面石膏板具有质轻、耐火、便于等特点。 ◇主要用作隔墙和吊顶的覆面板材,采用纸面石膏板与轻钢龙骨组成的轻质隔墙与吊顶,满足建筑上的防火、隔音、保温、抗震等要求。 ◇具有施工速度快,劳动强度低,装饰效果好等优点,适用于各种类型的装饰装修。 ◇拥有普通板、防火板、防潮等多种高性能石膏板。 产品系列: 普通纸面石膏板(象牙色) 防火纸面石膏板(红色) 防水纸面石膏板(绿色用防水纸,防水剂) 防潮纸面石膏板(绿色用防水纸) 产品常规规格:2440*1220*9mm 包装:出口中性包装。每两片用封面胶带封边,背面有公司商标喷码和产品质量跟踪序列号。 泰山石膏股份有限公司 主营业务:石膏板,天花板,轻钢龙骨 ,烤漆龙骨 和隔墙吊顶材料 人:卢玉龙(先生) 电  话:13884753921 QQ:1598262965 Skype:didlu0425] 所在地区:山东/泰安Specifications PVC gypsum ceiling tile??emboss ceiling tile PVC plaster board vinyl gypsum ceiling tile Size:595x595,603x603mm color pressed gypsum tile Thickness:8-12mm PVC gypsum ceiling tile vinyl??gypsum ceiling tile pressed color gypsum tile Size:595x595,603x603mm 600 x 1200, 610 x 1220mm Thickness:7-12mm Back:Aluminium foil 1. Detailed Description: 1) Material: paper-faced gypsum board PVC facing + aluminum foil backing 2) Thickness:7mm, 7.5mm, 8.0mm, 8.5mm,9.0mm, 9.5mm,10mm,12.0mm, 3) Sizes: 595mmX595mm 600mmX600mm(2'X2') 603mmX603mm 595mmX1195mm 600mmX1200mm(2'X4') 603mmX1210mm 4) Size tolerance: Length <+/-1.0mm, width < +/-1.0mm, thickness <+/-0.5mm 5) Weight: 7.5mm=5.7kg/sqm, 8.0mm=5.9kg/sqm, 8.5mm=6.2kg/sqm, 9mm=6.8kg/sqm, 9.5mm=7.1kg/sqm, 12mm=9.2kg/sqm, 12.5mm=9.5kg/sqm 6) Strength: >100N 7) Characters: Non-flammable B1, in accordance with Chinese standard GB8624-1997 8) Installation: Match with ceiling T-bar Packing: Export carton(6pcs,8pcs or 10 pcs per carton with film) 2. Certification: China national quality standard; ISO9001:14001. 3. advantage of the pvc gypsum ceiling board/gypsum ceiling board: 1).Environment protection product: Adopting natural gypsum material without any harmful material. 2).Non-flammable B1, in accordance with Chinese standard GB8624-1997 3).Heat retaining power 4).Sound insulating: effectively solve sound insulation and fire proof. 5).Not deforming, not cracking: keeping integrity and sound insulation for long under normal changes of. 6).Small expansion: Little coefficient of expansion, deforming under normal temperature. 7).Light weight, convenient to transport. 8).Special breathing performance, comfortable to live in. 9).Sunken proof. Dust proof,??Easy clean. good light reflection. Corrosion proof
2014-02-08 541阅读
1. Beautiful Decorative Effect: PVC gypsum ceiling tiles have a variety of colors, patterns, and designs, which can achieve unique decorative effects.

2. Fire Resistance: PVC gypsum ceiling tiles are made of paper-faced gypsum board, which is a non-combustible material. It meets the fire resistance standard and provides safe and reliable protection.

3. Moisture Resistance: PVC gypsum ceiling tiles have excellent moisture resistance and can effectively prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

4. Environmental Friendly: PVC gypsum ceiling tiles are made of environmentally friendly materials, which can reduce pollution and protect our planet.

5. Easy Installation: PVC gypsum ceiling tiles are easy to install, and do not require any special tools or skills. They can be installed quickly and effortlessly.

6. Cost-effective: Compared to other ceiling materials, PVC gypsum ceiling tiles are cost-effective and offer good value for money.
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