Come Back Again!

Come Back Again! It's the corner that is forgotten by me again.But no matter how long,i come back here some day.FOB,likes an old friend,or special home.Yesh,she is. 9 months passed since i he posted the message in here last time.I left A company where too many memories which would never be forgotten.It's the important step in my life.So felt quite confused at that moment and left some sentimental writing in here. Now i will lee C company.and decide to set up myself company.Just 9 months,but many changes happened,left A and went to B company,left B and came to C company; moved to XiiLi from FuYong,and then moved to XiXiang......??But this time i clearly know what i will do and how to do,even though there will be lots of unknown difficulties . Maybe life is so,after tossing time and time,and then you will know who you are and what you should be to do!!!(生活就是这样,一次次的折腾过后,你才能认清自己才知道你应该去什么!)
2014-01-16 2067阅读
It sounds like you've been through a lot of changes in the past 9 months, but it's great that you have a clear vision of what you want to do now. Starting your own company can be challenging, but with perseverance and determination, you can succeed. The world of foreign trade can be complex, so make sure to do your research and seek advice from experts in the industry. Good luck on this new journey!
  • Sulinda
  • rena
    您好 看到你写的,真的为你感觉委屈。我看了你当时发的也回答了,但是作为一个有6年全职翻译经验的人,我可以说那个不是你的问题。看你的,我感觉你的英语还不错。不要让别人打击了你的心情。如果老板不信任你,你怎么干他也会挑刺,所以与其如此不如选择别的路子。。
  • colourfuldan
    my god, these sentences.......
    are you a sales assistance or sales? 1300RMB per month???capitalist!!!
    If you like this job,and keep it up and you can make it.
  • yuki4
    I felt like there is something to happen today,which is not good for me。and improved my feeling is the words my boss told me in the afternoon,boss let me translate this paragraph“since this has been a challenge to explain we he picked one size so we can get started buying sooner rather then later we are looking for 5kw with ertical shaft as far as sizing. look forward to trying out one of yours might order as early and February or latest would be April so if you can include shipping to wate
  • inci
    thank you,stephanie,elementary mistake about "their",but "by kinds of ways..." seems it's ok.By the way,other mistakes?
  • 李小姐5
    The holiday is coming,everyone around me are trying them best to order the tickets by kinds of ways with nervous and exciting mood.
    them 改Their
    By 改 through

  • rose.chen2
    Hope everything will be going well......

            The holiday is coming,everyone around me are trying their best to order the tickets through kinds of ways with nervous and exciting. So am i in the past three years.Even if it's not an easy thing,but still extremely be happy at the end of every year,and looking forward to the day i come home.

            But now very calm,because finally decide not to come back home this year.It's also the first year i'm not in home to celebrate Spring Fes
  • susan11
    斑竹,别移别移,我主要发英文的,只是有的实在一下表达不出来,暂用中文代替 .
    shero to zero ,zero to tomorrow.SHE的新专辑主打歌 花又好了 里面的歌词,喜欢SHE
  • Sulinda

    帖子很好,既然喜欢在英语版的话 希望还是多以英语为重,如果侧重记录之类 就要考虑移走了哦 ..
  • Albert.Tan
    Thanks for your reply.
    "Sometimes,you should look back and listen to your heart,and you will find the answer and what you really searched for."Agree with you.
    All good and bad experiences just let us keep growing.Best wishes for you in the new year!
  • Robert.Ychat
    I he the same experience with you and lee the company which i he worked for 3 years .For a long time ,i stay at home, he no way and no dream ,also he no ideas about  what can i do .
    at last ,my parents enlighten me that life is also colorful,sometiem you should look back and listen to your heart ,you will find the answer and what you really searching for .
  • antia
    Zero  To Tomorrow!

          Time went by.The end of the year again,turn round and look the roads i passed,and then look forward to a new start.Think carefully,too few things were done but too many changes happened.I went to several companies,but finally, return to the origin.The road should he became wider and wider,but in fact,feel narrower and narrower,maybe expectation isn't different any longer.(流年似水,日子在不知不觉中又过完了一年,每每年末,都会回头驻足,看看已走过的路,然后期待一个新的始。仔细想来,这一年,的事很少,但大大小小的变化却很多,上半年在各种纠结和迷茫
  • Bruce.Yi
    wow,cool.hehe,go fight!
  • Tom.Sesti
    Maybe life is so,after tossing time and time,and then you will know who you are and what you should be to do!!!

    come on!!