
为了确保广告语言艺术和广告语篇风格的再现,在广告英语翻译的过程中,译者必须透彻地了解广告产品和广告语篇的内容及其艺术形式,遵循英汉两种不同语言的特点和表达习惯, 通过忠实和准确的翻译来再现原文的音韵美、形象美、简约美等语言艺术美。本文对列举的许多实例进行对比分析,演示美学观照下广告英语的翻译实践。 广告作为一种应用语言,是当今社会广泛使用的交流媒介。为了使广告具有特殊的感染力,能在瞬间引起读者注意,刺激其购欲望,最终促成购行为,许多广告都是经多番推敲而成,用词优美独到,句法洗练而内涵丰富,具有强烈的艺术感染力和语言艺术美。优秀的广告,不仅具有很高的商业价值,同时具有一定的语言研究价值和审美价值。随着我国对外经济贸易交往的迅速加深和扩大,国外广告的大量涌入使之成为我国企业和消费者获取商品经济信息的重要来源。广告英语翻译涉及到市场学、广告学、顾客心理学、美学及跨文化交际学等多科知识,本文主要从美学的角度来探讨。 网站: 电话:010-56385288 免费取送稿件
2014-01-16 479阅读
To ensure the reproduction of artistic language and stylistic features in advertising slogans, the translator must thoroughly understand the content and artistic form of the advertising product and slogan, and follow the characteristics and expression habits of both English and Chinese languages. Through faithful and accurate translation, the aesthetic beauty of the original text in terms of sound, imagery, simplicity, etc. can be recreated. This article compares and analyzes numerous examples, demonstrating the translation practice of advertising English from an aesthetic point of view.

As a type of applied language, advertising is widely used as a communication medium in today's society. To make advertisements highly infectious, able to capture the reader's attention in an instant, stimulate their desire to purchase, and ultimately encourage purchase behavior, many advertisements go through multiple iterations, with uniquely beautiful language, elegant syntax, rich connotations, and strong artistic and linguistic appeal. Excellent advertisements not only have high commercial value, but also possess a certain linguistic research value and aesthetic value. With China's rapid and extensive foreign economic and trade exchange, a large influx of foreign advertising has become an important source for Chinese enterprises and consumers to obtain economic information about products. Advertising English translation involves multiple disciplines such as marketing, advertising, customer psychology, aesthetics and cross-cultural communication. This article mainly discusses it from an aesthetic perspective.

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