
外贸信函中寄用语 寄 consignment||consignment sale||sale on a consignment basis||commission sale ||venture||adventure 寄品 consignment||consignment goods||consigned goods||an article consigned 寄 consignment invoice 寄通知书||发货通知书 consignment note 寄单 consignment sheet||way-bill 委托销||给佣金销 to consign to one||to sell on commission 接受寄销(给佣金) to be consigned||to be trusted||to be in commission||to he goods on commission 发货人 consignor||consigner 货人||人||委托人 consignee 销手续费 commission||selling commission 商 commission agent||factor 寄品销货帐 commission sales book 销帐单 account sales||a/s 销概算书 provisional account sales 预定销清单||销估计书 pro forma account sales 净款||实得额 net proceeds 寄 indent 指 closed indent 自由购 open indent 商品寄 贵公司寄之30箱纺织品已安然抵达。廉价品的销路相当良好, 且目前价格稳定。因此,我相信能向贵公司提出满意的销报告书。 your consignment of 30c/s textiles arrived in good condition. cheap goods he a ready sale, and prices remain firm for the present. we shall be able to give you a good account sales. 谨送上寄, 而上所列绝缘油, 将于11月15日由火车运出。 we are sending this consignment fo our insulating oil to you as in the consignment invoice herewith by the freight train on the 15th nov. 我们已决定寄出纸张, 请贵公司试销。如果这次试销结果令人满意, 我们将考虑大量委托。 we he decided to send you a trial consignment of the paper, and, if this turns out satisfactory, we shall consider the question of a larger consignment. 据本公司客户告知, 贵公司对此项生意有很好的关系, 并且从我国大量进口。因此我们按照他们的推荐, 准备将该商品寄给贵公司, 请代为试销。 our friends inform us that you he good connection in this trade, and that you import largely from this country, and acting entirely upon their advice, we are sending you a consignment as a trial. 从本公司客户, 本市的white公司获悉, 贵公司实力雄厚, 资信可靠。因此, 我们接受他们的建议, 已将500包砂糖装上"alps"号货轮, 运往你处, 恳请贵公司尽力以高价格出。 our friends, messrs. white & co., of this city, he given us your name as a firm of good standing and reliability, and we he, therefor, upon their suggestion, shipped to you a consignment of 500 bales sugar per m.s. "alps", sailing on the 15th oct., which we would ask you to kindly sell to the best advantage. 接受寄 我们经营纺织品已达二十年之久, 对市场十分熟悉, 我们能为贵公司产品找到销路。 since we he been engaged in the textiles business for the past 20 years, we are quite familiar with the places where we can find an outlet for the goods you export. 贵公司6月6日函已悉, 关于委托销棉纱一事, 本公司愿按照贵公司的吩咐, 尽力而为。特此致谢。 we thank you for your letter of the 6th june, containing proposals for consignment business in cotton yarns, and we shall be pleased to act for you in this matter in the way maned. 贵公司8月10日函已悉, 该函所述的寄样本也已到。 we received your four of the 10th august, by which you advised the forwarding of samples of consignments, which we he also received. 3月6日函已悉, 得知贵公司已将寄品装"夏威夷号"货轮发运。待到该货后, 我们一定尽全力将其介绍给当地的全部客户。 we are foured by your letter dated 6th march, advising the despatch of a consignment by m.s. "hawaii maru", and upon the arrival of the goods, we will use our best endeours to bring them under the notice of the trade here in general. 只要适合本地市场需求, 贵公司委托的任何商品, 我们都愿意接受。 we should be pleased to take care of any consignments of goods suitable for this market which you may be disposed to send us. 到寄品 随函奉上亨利号货轮运来的 150包纺织品销清单。贵公司应额为3100美元, 现已记入贵公司贷方帐内。 herewith i he the pleasure to hand you an account sales of 150 bales textiles received per s.s. "henry", the net proceeds of which us $3100 are passed to the credit of your account. 感谢贵公司将委托销的砂糖及木薯淀粉装"伦敦号"货轮, 由里斯本运出。请相信,本公司一定尽最大努力, 不辜负贵公司委托。 we feel extremely obliged to you for the consignments of sugar and tapioca, by the "london maru"", from lisbon, and you may be well assured that we will exert ourselves to the utmost to prove ourselves deserving of your recommendation. 该人从他的客户处、到委托寄的橡胶20多箱, 木薯粉30袋。 he mentions his hing obtained from one of his friends, the confignment of
2013-11-27 301阅读
We have been in the textile business for 20 years and we trust the consignment goods provided by your company. We will do our best to sell these goods and settle the commission as soon as possible.

Regarding the commission sale, we would appreciate it if your company could provide information such as the selling price, delivery deadline, and commission rate. We will develop a sales strategy based on these conditions and settle the commission promptly after the sale is completed.

We have received the consignment goods from your company and are very satisfied with their quality. At the same time, we have stored the goods in a safe place. We will promote and sell these goods as soon as possible and settle the commission with you after the sale is completed.

We have decided to accept the commission sale provided by your company and agree to sell these goods. We will make every effort to promote the product and complete the sale as soon as possible. We will settle the commission promptly once the sale is completed.