
S =small SA =say SAT =Saturday S.A.T.=sea-air-truck SBJ =subject SCHDL=schedule SCIB=Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau S/D =shipment date SDR(S)=special drawing right(s) SDG =sending SDY =Sydney SEC =section SERV=service S'hai=Shanghai SHIPD=shipped SHIPT=shipment SHP =ship SHPG=shipping SHPMT,SHIPMT=shipment SHPT=shipment SHUD=should SHUDB=should be SITN=situation SLR =silver SLV =sleeve(s) S/MARKS=shipping marks SMPL=sample SNGB=single(room)with bath(for hotel business) SNGL=single,single room(for hotel business) SNGS=single room with shower SPCL=special SPEC(S)=specification(s) S'PORE S'pore=Singapore SQYD=square yard S.R.C.C.=Strikes,Riots and Civil Commotions SRY =sorry S.S.,S/S=steamship STD =standard STG =sterling STL =still STN =station STP =stop SUB,SUBJ=subject SUGG,SUGST=suggest SUPL=supplement SUPLY=supply SURV=survey SVP =please(s'il vous plait) SWG =Standard Wire Gauge SWH =Swatch(for garments BIZ) SZ =size A =first quality,first grade,first class A.A.R =agianst all risks ABV =above ABT =about A/C,AC=account ACCES =accessory,accessories ACDG =according ACDGLY=accordingly ACEPT,ACPT=accept ACEPTD,ACPTD=accepted ACPTBL=acceptable ACPTC =acceptance ACK =acknowledge,acknowledged,acknowledgement ACOMN,ACCOMDN=accommodation AD =advertisement ADDL,ADDNL=additional ADDN =addition ADDS,ADS=address ADJ =adjust(ment) ADV =advice,advise AFRN =afternoon AGCY =agency AGN =again AGNT =agent AGNST,AGST=against AGR =agree AGRD =agreed AGRMT =agreement AIR =airmail AIRD =airmailed AIRG =airmailing AIRML =airmail AIRFRT=airfreight ALRDY =already AM =America AMAP =as many(much) as possible AMDT =amendment AMDD =amended AMND =amend AMNDMT=amendment AMNT,AMT=amount ANS =answer A/O =account of A/OR =and/or APPLCTN=application APPROX,APPR=approximate(ly) APV =approve APVD =approved ARFRT =airfreight A.R. =all risks ARNGMTS=arrangement APR =April ARR,ARV=arrive ART =article ARVD =arrived ARVL =arrival A/S =at sight,after sight ASA =as soon as ASAP =as soon as possible ASRTMT,ASTMT=assortment(for textiles BIZ) ASST =assistant ASSTANCE=assistance ASSTD =assorted(for textiles BIZ) ATCH =attach(ed)(ment) ATN,ATTN=attention AUG =August AUTH =authorize BL,LBL=ailable TG =erage A.W.B, AWB=air way bill AWTG =awaiting AM,A/M=above mentioned a.k.a.=also known as a.s.o.=and so on G/A=general erage GAL,GALL=gallon GBP=Great Britain Pound GD=good GEN=general GF=gold franc GLD=gold GM(S)=gram(s) GMQ=Good Merchantable Quality GMT=Greenwich Mean Time GNRL=general G.O.H=garments on hang GOVT=government GR=grain,gram(me) G.R.T.=gross registered tonnage GR WT=gross,weight GSP=Generalized System of Preferences GT=gross ton GV=give GUAR,GURANTE=guarantee G/W=gross weight H/B=half board(for hotel BIZ) HGT=height HK=HongKong HKD=HongKong dollar Hk(S)=hand(s)(for textile BIZ) H.O=head office HOLDY=holiday HR=here,hour HP=high pressure,horsepower HRWITH=herewith HV=he HVB=he been,has been,had been HVY=hey HWEVR,HWVR=however
2013-09-23 2076阅读
oon as possible
ASC =American Standards Committee
ASGN =assign
ASMP =as per sample
ASTM =American Society for Testing and Materials
ATM =at the moment
ATO =authority to operate
ATT =attention
ATV =all-terrain vehicle
AVG =average
AWB =air waybill
AWG =American Wire Gauge
B2B =business to business
B/L =bill of lading
B/LOND =bill of lading, ocean not delivered
B/O =back order
B/D =bank draft
B/E =bill of exchange
B/G =bill of guarantee
B/P =bill of parcel
B/R =bill of receipt
B/U =back up
B2C =business to consumer
BA =banker's acceptance
BCC =blind carbon copy
BD =buyer's design
BDM =business decision maker
BFE =buyer furnished equipment
BFF =best friends forever
BG =bank guarantee
BIA =best in America
BID =buyer's identification
BIRO =by in random order
BK =book
BLD =build
BM =brand manager
BMR =buyer's material request
BOC =buyer's own color
BOD =board of directors
BOE =buyer's own expense
BOF =buyer's own fabric
BOQ =bill of quantities
BOT =buyer's own trimmings
BP =business plan
BPO =business process outsourcing
BR =buyer's reference
BRD =board
BRO =brochure
BSI =British Standards Institution
BTO =build to order
BUC =back up copy
BULK =loose cargo
BUND =bundle
BZ =business
C =centigrade
C/A =cash account
C&B =color and brightness
C&F,CFR =cost and freight
CAD =cash against documents
CAO =computer-aided optimization
CAP =capability
CASH FIRST =cash with order
CB =cubic
C.B.M =cubic meter
CC =credit card
CCIB =China Commodity Inspection Bureau
CD =cash discount
CDF =cash, deposit & balance freedom
CEO =chief executive officer
CET =Central European Time
C&I =commission and insurance
CIF =cost, insurance and freight
CIP =carriage and insurance paid to
CL =common law
CLO =chief legal officer
CNC =computer numerical control
COD =cash on delivery
COE =Certificate of Origin
COI =Certificate of Insurance
CONC =concentration
COP =Certificate of Payment
COS =cost of service
COT =Certificate of Test
C/P =copy
CPT =carriage paid to
CPM =cost per thousand
CPS =cost per sale
CRA =cost and risk allocation
CRF =cost and risk of freight
CRM =customer relationship management
CRTN =carton
CS =Case
C/S =cash with order
CST =Central Standard Time
CTN =Carton
CU =cubic
CWO =cash with order
CY =container yard
CYP =Cyprus
CYS =Communist Youth League