
情况是这样的,去年7月份a客户给我们下了一个柜子的餐盒,并打来30%订金,出货时候,因为客户派的第三方验货机构没有见过我们产品,客户也没有寄样品给他按照样品标准验货,所以验货没有通过。但是,我们的产品确实是好的。 后来a公司一直以验货不通过为理由不发货,时间快一年了,也催过他们发货,后来我说再不提货我们自行,订金不退,客户发邮件也同意了,现在老板要我发一个正式文件给他们,如果一个月再不提货,我们自行,然后不退订金。 有没有人写过类似文件啊?不知道何从下手,下面是小生写的,南丑了,请高手指点: to: a company attnisa /sales manager dear lisa, this letter we would like to inform you formally that: regarding the 3 compartment meat tray,, according cardi said who onbehalf your company, we will dispose it after 1 month if you don’t take away the goods,and the advanced payment won’t be returned, pls kindly note. and signed by return, if no stmped return or no response from your side, it will be treated as you agree that.
2013-08-17 806阅读
Dear Lisa,

This letter serves as a formal notification in regards to the 3 compartment meat tray order that you placed with us. As per our previous discussions, we have been unable to deliver the goods to you due to issues with the third-party inspection process. However, we would like to reiterate that our products conform to the sample quality standards you had shared with us.

Given the delay in delivery and the fact that it has been almost a year since you placed your order, we must now advise you that if you do not take delivery of the goods within one month of receipt of this letter, we will have no option but to dispose of these goods, and the advance payment you made will not be refunded. Please be informed that this is in keeping with the original terms of the agreement that you had consented to.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter and confirm your agreement that if there is no stamped return or response from your end, it will be treated as your agreement to the terms outlined above. We hope this matter can be resolved soon and look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name/ Company Name]