1. Purpose, Structure, and Intended Uses 目的、结构和用途
1.1. Purpose 目的
The purpose of the Standard is to describe the requirements for third-party substantiation of the recycled content claims asserted by companies with regard to specific products. This Standard allows a company to demonstrate that:
1. Its product contain materials that are classified using definitions based on ISO
14021:1999(E) Environmental labels and declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type IIenvironmental labeling) and United States Code of Federal Regulations Title 40: Protection of theEnvironment, Part 261- Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; and
符合 ISO14021:1999(E):环境标志和声明-自我环境声明(II 型环境标志)和美国联邦法规第40 款:保护环境,第 261 部分:有害废料的识别与列表;并且
 2. Its marketing claims conform with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims.
3. Its products contain materials that may conform with the Material & Resources criteria for Recycled Content for building products according to the United States Green Building Council(USGBC) Leadership Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building rating system.
1.2. Structure of the Standard 标准结构
The Standard provides
1. The requirements for qualifying and quantifying materials that serve as the basis for recycled content claims asserted by companies about products;
2. Guidelines for suppliers and private label users; and
3. Labeling requirements that are applicable to all certified products.
1.3. Intended Users 预期用户
Intended users of this Standard are product manufacturers (including individuals, businesses, organizations, or agencies) seeking third-party certification of conformance of selected products to the requirements of this Standard, as well as individuals, businesses, organizations, agencies, or consumers interested in purchasing products meeting the requirements of the Standard. The Standard also provides guidelines for material suppliers and private label users.
1.4. Voluntary Standard 推荐标准
This Standard is voluntary. It is not intended to replace any legal or regulatory requirements that may be applicable to user operations.

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/171752


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