外贸有金九银十的说法,可见9月份对于外贸业务的拓展是很重要的一个月份。在这月里日常的收发邮件将变的更为频繁,在这种情况下很多业务员会选择用邮件模板。 模板虽然可以很好的解决了我们发送邮件的效率,但很多时候邮件内容的质量我们却无法保证。下面我们先来看小编从网上找到的这封开发信模板: Hello XXX How are you? We know your company from the internet and we know that your market is in the LED lighting field in Poland. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, this is XXX from ABC company, we are one of the largest manufacturer in this field in China, I hope to cooperate with your company. Please allow me to introduce our products to you, we have many items such as LED lamps, outdoors and indoors bulbs and LED strip. We have much experience in this field. I will give you more details about our products if you are interested in them. We will offer you the best price and quality, please go to our website for more details, We look forward to your specific enquiries and hope to have the opportunity to work together with you in the future. Best Regards XXX 这封开发信算是比较经典的模板了,但还是无可避免的存在以下问题: 1、在第二段中有一句用到了“from the internet”,这样写会给客户不尊重和被骚扰的感觉。 2、第三段是对自己公司的介绍,但表达的内容比较笼统。有些自卖自夸,且没有有力的数据去支持你的“夸”。 3、第四段描述过于空泛,给客户带来的感受不强。 4、在开发邮件中,最好不要加网址。 这样一封开发信即便发出去了,我相信也很难达到开发客户的目的。对于这封邮件我们可以稍做修改。 修改后: Dear XXX Hoping this email finds you well. We know your company is in the LED market from our customer data as the main distributor in European market. We are specializing in LED lighting since 2008, our factory has the production capacity of 20000pcs bulbs with CE, Rohs every month, and the new items will be pushed every week from our ODM department. Please contact me for any further information, free samples would be sent to you in our promotion seasons now. Have a nice day! Best Regards XXX Company Tel/Whatsapp 修改后的邮件明显更加简练,内容上的话还是相对有些简单。在实际给客户发送的邮件中可以针对特定产品加一些详细的内容。 很多时候评判一封邮件的好坏很重要的一个标准是看能否打动客户。如果我们像写流水账一样把我们是做什么什么的,我们有多大,质量有多好,价格有多便宜等写成邮件发给客户,我很难相信客户对于这样的邮件会有回复的欲望。 要知道在信息时代,我们最不缺的就是信息,最缺的是客户的注意力。一封好的邮件从标题就开始抓客户的兴趣和注意力了。客户的痛点是什么,我们能给他们解决或带来什么。这才是写开发信重点要表现的方面。 当你的邮件能戳中客户的点,并与他们的想法不谋而合是,你就有很大可能引起客户的关注,从而获取客户的回复。一旦能与客户建立相对稳定的联系,获取订单将指日可待。 |