
听冰大的课做的笔记,分享给大家~ 领英开发客户,私信案例供参考,请根据自己的情况灵活运用! [一] 从夸奖入手 Hello XXX, I am impressed by your CV and activities. Is it possible to connect you via LinkedIn? I'm sure I will not disturb you at ordinary times. [二] 从情感入手(寻找共同点) Hey XXX, I'm glad to find you here. I lived in Australia before, and your post aroused my memory. Please allow me to get your connection. Thanks. [三] 从兴趣入手 Hi XXX, great to find your traveling videos and photos. I fancy traveling as well, to experience different food and culture, and make new friends. Please can you accept my connecting request. [四] 从专业入手 XXX, I'm a skilled product manager for developing porcelain coffee cups for customers. All of them are strictly according to EU standard. Can I connect you here? [五] 从供应入手 XXX, please allow me to recommend you a super vendor. They supply extension leads for Home Depot with 30x40'HC per year. Yes, it's me! [六] 从马屁入手 XXX, after viewing your profile, I’d be honored to have you as part of my network to learn from you. Could you please accept my connecting request? [七] 从合作入手 XXX, I came across your profile and would like to connect you. I supply fashion jewelry and have spent 12 years in this field. Please accept my invitation, maybe we can work together. [八] 从产品入手 Hi XXX, our company provides fashion jewelry to customers. Could you please send me your email address? Our catalog with latest collection will be emailed to you. [九] 从服务入手 Hello XXX, is it possible to connect? We supply fashion jewelry and accessories, with a young passionate team from designing and quality control. It would be great to learn more from you. [十] 从特点入手 Hey XXX, we provide a variety of fashion jewelry, helping importers and Amazon sellers turn ideas into products. Can I connect you and show you some examples, please? ​ ❗ 注意,一定不要照搬,而是要根据自己的情况灵活运用。我已经试过几种了,每次都很有效!
2023-12-07 1309阅读
  • 催全球
  • azmat
  • Shaina
    太棒了 最喜欢课代表了 感谢大佬分享~~~
  • 岳彩茶
  • 小邦